Storage Auctions

Beware or Not???

Offline jrossjr79

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Re: Beware or Not???
« Reply #15 on: August 14, 2011, 12:29:15 AM »
I beg to differ with this statement. On auction hunters, you hear them say that they lose money on 80% of the lockers they buy.

Once again, I just don't see where this come from. You don't have to lose money in this business if you bid conservatively.

I can tell you where that came from. Look at that show, and lets jsut say for an example that they are completely 100% real. They toss and break stuff that is mediocre, which ya is not worth much, but IMO if it is worth something and dont hold onto to long, it becomes worth it since most stuff you find in lockers is general merchandise, not what has been keyed as a jackpot unit.

So to some it up, Auction Hunters over pays on lockers, then over estimates on WHAT THEY WILL get for it. And toss out all the general merchandise. So ya if I was buying like that, then 80% of my lockers would be losing money.

So it really all depends on how you plan to sort and sell the merchandise that you bought. At least that is how I look at it.

Offline Travis

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Re: Beware or Not???
« Reply #16 on: August 14, 2011, 08:20:15 AM »
Yeah, I agree. When I was buying full time, I made most of my money on the small insignificant items that others considered worthless. I remember getting laughed at for buying two 10X15 lockers that were stacked to the ceiling with library books. I paid $130 for one unit and $100 for the other. It turned out to be the entire contents of a public library. It took a few weeks to sell but I made 10X my investment and I didn't even have to move the books.

I also did really well on knick knacs and clothing. Making money on the smalls is an effective way to maximize your income and it can mean the difference between losing and making money in this business. 

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