Storage Auctions


« on: July 28, 2011, 11:18:07 PM »
If I was a betting man I'd have to say a reality show about bubble gum machine venders getting rare coins should rate right up there with finding a fortune in a storage locker. simply put one could go in business with a realestate agency to clean homes that are put up for sale by siblings of older folks that have passed or were put in old folks homes and they wanted to sell the home but dont have time to clean it out to find old antiques. etc. the bottom line here is how many other ways can you think of to find rare antiques or coins etc. than storage lockers. I mean after all the bottom line is Odds are Odds and one place is just as good as another. but when your out numbered the odds go up.
Take them coin for $$ machines you see at the store "Coinstar" are set up to kick out rare coins or off size into a cup for the machines owner to inspect computer programing has come a long way.
I can see it now gamblers that are on a gambler a holic list in vegas sueing a locker company now because of a loss and they let them gambel on a locker and lose there $$ forced to eat dog food. lawsuit hitting the main stream any day now. I guess if they couldnt find it in a locker they will get it in court. Holly wood could be sued for baiting them wouldnt that be something to see.
yea its out of hand. LMAO I love it. so really why fight it when you could own it. when you get right down to it whats the odds become with the crowds? are the odds better somewhere else with less compotition? whats everyones thoughts here? is this something you would want newbies to really try?

Offline ChefJ

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« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2011, 10:32:22 AM »
I find the smallest crowds at the obvious times down here in Atlanta.  When there are 5-8 or so carivans it thins out the herd.

« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2011, 02:22:36 PM »
Like gold panning,have to pan a bunch of crap before you get that nugget.Then you forget about all the time and hard work it took just to get that nugget.

« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2011, 06:47:15 AM »
Well if you read the ebay ads in the coin section you will see they area always finding these lost jars, penny banks, etc. filled with hard to find and rare coins.

Honestly the chance of rare coins and such is pretty small IMO.  Most people would of either already sold their collections to a dealer, turned it in for face value, or maybe even stored it in a deposit box at bank.  This is why storage units is a different form of gambling.

You do read in newspapers, yahoo online, etc. where people do find stashes of coins / cash in older homes.  This is due to people not trusting banks and stuff during the depression, etc.

It's as my mother told my father and I.  We can drop her off at the casino when we go do our first storage auction.  That way she can't gripe about us dropping $500 on a loser if she does the same in the casino.

Offline Bandit

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« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2011, 11:29:33 AM »
Like gold panning,have to pan a bunch of crap before you get that nugget.Then you forget about all the time and hard work it took just to get that nugget.

   We tried that two years ago in Az. looking for nuggets , didn't find much , but at least We were NOT Shoveling Snow back in Mass.  ;D

How can you improve your odds of winning an online storage auction?

Started by Travis

3 Replies
Last post December 17, 2014, 04:57:59 PM
by Travis