Storage Auctions

Opened storage lockers

Opened storage lockers
« on: January 17, 2012, 05:34:25 PM »
Hi Everyone.  My husband and I are going to our first auction this coming weekend. I have kind of a stupid question....but....when you go to a storage unit, are they opened before hand? I got a few notices for upcoming auctions where the units were opened and pictures were taken. What are the chances that someone has already gone threw the stuff? Would you bid?  The one we are going to, though, says units have not been opened and description is what the people put down when renting the units.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Opened storage lockers
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2012, 06:37:34 PM »

I'm sure one of the members here will answer your question, but in the meantime, let me suggest using the SEARCH button toward the top of the screen for quick answers to many questions. Typing in something like "dump runs" will pop up many threads and posts about that subject or any other you are curious about.

Re: Opened storage lockers
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2012, 07:37:13 PM »
Well MovieMan got to ya first :)

I'll be the member he was talking about.  The answer to your question is it depends on the facility, any state/local laws, etc.  In my area all the places cut the locks the night before the auction.  Most take a picture of the unit for their records.  Some list descriptions, some don't.  It is all different.

As for bidding - unless you see suspectful stuff you should be ok.  Normally it's the tenant that has gone in and grabbed stuff they want and left everything else.  Is rare to find gold in units anymore as when the price hit $1800 - most people cashed in.

If you have not done so I would spend most of tonight reading these boards.  You will find most answers to any question.

Re: Opened storage lockers
« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2012, 08:40:04 PM »
Thanks for the info guys! I did a lot of searches and reading posts on here (awesome forum, BTW) but couldn't find any real answers as far as opened lockers.  We are not expecting to get rich (although it would be nice) but basically something to carry over the winter until the garage sales, etc start up again.  I tried to do as much research on the lkr owners as I could find. Don't want to just jump in with my eyes shut and have high expectations.  (facebook and our local court access works wonders!).  Hoping the cold, snowy weather will turn a few folks away:) Thanks again!!!

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Re: Opened storage lockers
« Reply #4 on: January 17, 2012, 09:25:35 PM »
Thanks for the info guys! I did a lot of searches and reading posts on here (awesome forum, BTW) but couldn't find any real answers as far as opened lockers. 

Try typing "lock cuts" in the search area. One thread 6 or 7 down would be a good one to read...or read them all !

Re: Opened storage lockers
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2012, 12:55:30 AM »
Good luck at your 1st auction.Enjoy.

Re: Opened storage lockers
« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2012, 07:30:43 AM »
Don't expect the weather to keep people away.  I've seen large crowds in the rain, in 100+ degree heat, etc.

Good Luck

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Re: Opened storage lockers
« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2012, 07:43:07 AM »
It is hard to say.  In my area some locks are cut the night before and some are cut as they open the locker.  Does anyone go threw the lockers ?  You just never really know.  The owner of the locker  could show up 5 mins. before the auction and pay-up.  If something was missing someone might have some explaining to do. 

Re: Opened storage lockers
« Reply #8 on: January 19, 2012, 11:33:07 AM »
That I agree with.  I'm pretty anxious about attending this weekend, although I should be here getting the stuff I got on eBay. I have been having pretty good luck at the thrift stores though.  Here's a question for everyone....what are you looking for when you are looking for resale stuff? Personally I go for seasonal decorations and toys.  They seem to make the most money for me. The only downfall I have is buying lets say Christmas stuff now, I have to sit on it until next fall to make a good profit. 

Re: Opened storage lockers
« Reply #9 on: January 19, 2012, 11:54:40 AM »
Unless it is clear totes many times it's the luck of the draw what you get in boxes / totes.  That said - you start to get a feeling what is in lockers based on past expierence / finds.

For myself I look for CDs, DVDs, kitchen stuff as it all sells well at the flea.  Lots of cloths are a turn off, but shoes in boxes are good.  Money can be made with furniture if you know what you are doing and have the space to store / sell it.  Once you start to buy a number of lockers you can sort out "seasonal" stuff to pull out when the time is right.

Like me from the Monday locker.  Normally 98% of the stuff animals I find either hit the trash pile or the Goodwill pile.  However, with Easter coming up I pulled out all of the nice looking large rabbits to sell at the flea.

Things that go straight to the dump:
2005 or older TVS
Matress / Boxspring

Offline money4nothing

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Re: Opened storage lockers
« Reply #10 on: January 19, 2012, 03:41:44 PM »
..what are you looking for when you are looking for resale stuff?

Anything you know you can sell. Us furniture. With the lockers and misc. stuff you learn what sells. Us Kids clothes.

Re: Opened storage lockers
« Reply #11 on: January 19, 2012, 04:45:20 PM »

Things that go straight to the dump:
2005 or older TVS
Matress / Boxspring

Ewww on the pillows.  I hate those!  We did sell a mattress & box spring that I thought was icky, but it was a tempurpedic and it flew outta here.  Actually wish I had asked more.
Now older tv's~we can sell all day long (but dirt cheap) as they head 60 miles south to the border.  I don't think we've pulled a newer than '05 tv out of a locker yet~

Anything you know you can sell. Us furniture. With the lockers and misc. stuff you learn what sells. Us Kids clothes.
I love me some tools!  I can sell those all day long and small appliances.  Dang you can't keep a microwave on a table at our favorite swap meet. 

I think the next time I see framed art in a unit, I'm going to simply run away! >:(

Offline Cobia

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Re: Opened storage lockers
« Reply #12 on: January 20, 2012, 08:09:27 AM »
Ewww on the pillows.  I hate those!  We did sell a mattress & box spring that I thought was icky, but it was a tempurpedic and it flew outta here.  Actually wish I had asked more.
Now older tv's~we can sell all day long (but dirt cheap) as they head 60 miles south to the border.  I don't think we've pulled a newer than '05 tv out of a locker yet~
I love me some tools!  I can sell those all day long and small appliances.  Dang you can't keep a microwave on a table at our favorite swap meet. 

I think the next time I see framed art in a unit, I'm going to simply run away! >:(

I wonder if there is a way I can save up all those old console TVs and microwaves I get and ship them down to you to sell? Maybe fill a Uhaul truck and drive it down? Cause around here them things go straight to the dump! (TVs & small appliances, some microwaves can be sold) Where I live you can put relatively good shape George Forman grilles and other like small kitchen appliances on the tables at the flea for $1-$2 and they will still sit for weeks before they sell.

Offline money4nothing

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Re: Opened storage lockers
« Reply #13 on: January 20, 2012, 08:23:34 AM »
Sell the heck out of the older TV' s too. Husband avoids them but they do sell. $20 to $50 for them.

Ours don't go south of the boarder think they go for the lower income families around here. Attach DVD player and babysitter.  :P

Re: Opened storage lockers
« Reply #14 on: January 20, 2012, 08:42:44 AM »
I wonder if there is a way I can save up all those old console TVs and microwaves I get and ship them down to you to sell? Maybe fill a Uhaul truck and drive it down? Cause around here them things go straight to the dump! (TVs & small appliances, some microwaves can be sold) Where I live you can put relatively good shape George Forman grilles and other like small kitchen appliances on the tables at the flea for $1-$2 and they will still sit for weeks before they sell.

Your George Foreman grills are my breadmakers.  Can't give those suckers away.  I actually bought a bread mix the other day for my breadmaker......ouch!  Can see why they don't sell.  But boy howdy that bread tasted good! :D

Can get a minimum of $5 for a GF grill.  What amazes me are the box fans.  You can buy one new for $8 at Walmart and every time we get one, Don says $5.  I say 'your nuts'.  And the next thing I know.....the fan's sold for $5.  Weird what folks will pay almost retail for. 

Like I said......most of our stuff like that heads to Mexico~

And NO!  to the tv's being hauled down to me.  While they sell.......I hate moving them!  They weigh a flippin' ton!

Opened the box and .... Awww Noooo!

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