Storage Auctions

What advice would you give newcomers to the storage auction business?

Offline Travis

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What advice would you give newcomers to the storage auction business?

Offline alloro

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As you go out into the world my advice to you is...don't go!
It's rough out there.
Move back with your parents.
Let them worry about it.

go for a month just to watch.  Determine who the "whales" are and watch them.  Figure out what they bid on and why.

After that bring $50 and keep bringing it until you get a locker with it.  See if its for you.

Offline alloro

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After that bring $50 and keep bringing it until you get a locker with it.

Only $50? I spend that on lunch.

Biggest piece of advice.........Keep your day job!

Offline Cobia

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Bring a hammer.
Hit yourself once in the head for even thinking about wasting your time going to an auction.  :'(
Hit your self twice when you win your first unit.  :'( :'(
Hit yourself 3 times when you bid over one thousand dollars on a unit.  :'( :'( :'(
Hit yourself 4 times when you declare you are quitting your current job or profession to do storage auctions full time.  :'( :'( :'( :'(
Hit yourself 5 times when you declare you are going to sink your retirement/life savings into starting up a re-sale/storage auction business.  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Once hitting yourself doesn't hurt anymore you will be just like the rest of us and won't need advice!  :clap:

Alright serious advice for those who read on: Ready (looks right, looks left)

"If you were to put as much time, physical effort, & mental capacity that it takes to be successful with storage auctions, into whatever it is you are doing now; then you would become successful beyond your wildest dreams!  :72:

Alright serious advice for those who read on: Ready (looks right, looks left)

"If you were to put as much time, physical effort, & mental capacity that it takes to be successful with storage auctions, into whatever it is you are doing now; then you would become successful beyond your wildest dreams!  :72:

You mean I should have stayed in construction?   :41:

seriously this is one of the most crazy cheap businessess to get into. Give yourself a budget, say $300 and go buy a damn unit. You'll then try to sell the contents and see what you actually need to do. There is no way to tell people how to do this, its something you have to experience. 50% of my items are sold in a store(could also be sold at yard sales or flea markets but time is money and i dont stay at the store) and around 25% is sold on craigslist, about 20% ebay and about 5% amazon. I also have business cards and will often sell items in bulk to people.

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