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Another source of Junk Silver

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Another source of Junk Silver
« on: March 06, 2011, 01:29:19 PM »
I know alot of you guys like coins, silver, junk silver, etc. I've been buying cases of half dolllars from my bank. They didn't used to charge at all, now they charge if they have to order but not if they have them on hand.

Anyhow, most tend to be newer but any pre 1964 go for about $11.88 on ebay, spot rate probably worth slightly.

Anyhow, next time your at your local bank branch it's worth checking.

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Re: Another source of Junk Silver
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2011, 01:41:12 PM »
how often do you come across the older ones?

Re: Another source of Junk Silver
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2011, 12:30:56 AM »
Kennedy half dollars were 90% silver in 1964 but between 1965 and 1970 they were 40% silver. I find a 40% one every now and then but the 90% ones are not out there. After 1970 they have no silver in them.

Re: Another source of Junk Silver
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2011, 08:31:49 AM »
Anyone know of the best way to sell my junk silver I have some jewelry that I don't want anymore and also some coins. Or would it be better to sell the coins as collectibles they are pre 1964 some quarters one is the Standing Liberty can't see the date though and some dimes?

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Re: Another source of Junk Silver
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2011, 10:51:23 AM »
Dr Becker, good tip with the 66-74 or whatevr that was. 40% isn't quite as good as 90% however I can't tell you how many I come across that are 66 instead of 64.

Do you know if this is the same for quartrer? Are quarters after 1964 still 40%?

Drew, as for how many its hit or miss. Sometimes I'll buy like 50 worth of coins and get 15 pre 64 coins other tiems I'm lucky to get 2 or 3.

Re: Another source of Junk Silver
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2011, 11:11:37 AM »
I think all quarters that are pre 1064 are 90% silver.

Re: Another source of Junk Silver
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2011, 05:21:33 PM »
years ago I sold 5lbs of silver coins on ebay and got a pretty good price.Pre 64 quaters and dimes are silver.Any coin with no date is only good for the silver.At todays silver prices most silver coins are best sold as silver over old coin value.

Re: Another source of Junk Silver
« Reply #7 on: March 30, 2011, 11:40:32 PM »
Dr Becker, good tip with the 66-74 or whatevr that was. 40% isn't quite as good as 90% however I can't tell you how many I come across that are 66 instead of 64.

Do you know if this is the same for quartrer? Are quarters after 1964 still 40%?

Drew, as for how many its hit or miss. Sometimes I'll buy like 50 worth of coins and get 15 pre 64 coins other tiems I'm lucky to get 2 or 3.

Only halves are 40% silver quarters have no silver after 1964.

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Re: Another source of Junk Silver
« Reply #8 on: March 31, 2011, 08:42:23 PM »
Not from an auction but today I was at my grandpas house having dinner and he had $800 worth of quarters he was about to take to the bank. I sorted through them.

He had roughly $800 in quarters, tahts somewhere between 3000 and 3200 quarters. Sorted through them all and found 2 pre 1965 quarters one was a '63 and the other a '62.

A tip if your looking through large numbers of quarters. It would take forever to look at all the dates. Grab the equivalent of a roll of quarters in your palm so they are a cylander and look at them. Anything thats not copper on the side is either a silver quarter or a brand new quarter that hasn't had the edges rubbed off but it cuts down on sorting time

Offline rogue

Re: Another source of Junk Silver
« Reply #9 on: July 01, 2011, 05:10:19 PM »
I have a couple a gas stations and 7-11's that I stop by on a regular basis..... Since I have gotten to know that cashiers I tell them all I will pay them 10 times face value for pre- 64 and I usually pick up one or two a week on average that way. Its a win-win

Re: Another source of Junk Silver
« Reply #10 on: July 01, 2011, 07:05:07 PM »
Smart.Its all in who you know.

Re: Another source of Junk Silver
« Reply #11 on: August 10, 2011, 03:54:03 PM »
Depending on where you are the chance of silver from roll searches is rare.  My kids and I do roll searches all the time.  Am active on another forum that is other coin collectors and roll searchers.  One issue you will run into if get into roll searching is where to dump your coins.  Tellers will start to hate you if you bring in rolls and rolls of half-dollars and such.  So if you can find a coin-counting machine that takes halves and doesn't charge you if you are an account holder it's a good to do in your downtime.

One thing I've hated about the auction hunter show (not seen many storage wars) is they find silver coins and just chunk them.  They are like silver - cool that's XX spot value.  I'm like - well depending on the type / year and if an error that coin(s) could be worth way more then spot value.

For silver here are the dates you need to know:

Dollar - Eisenhower dollar coins - the 1971 - 76 S mint marks are 40% silver.   Peace & Morgan dollars are 90% silver and worth more then spot depending.

Half-dollar -- 1965 - 1970 is 40% silver            1964 and back is 90% silver

Quarter and dime - 1964 and older

Nickle - 1942 - 1945 are 35% silver

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Re: Another source of Junk Silver
« Reply #12 on: August 10, 2011, 11:20:08 PM »
Depending on where you are the chance of silver from roll searches is rare.  My kids and I do roll searches all the time.  Am active on another forum that is other coin collectors and roll searchers.  One issue you will run into if get into roll searching is where to dump your coins.  Tellers will start to hate you if you bring in rolls and rolls of half-dollars and such.  So if you can find a coin-counting machine that takes halves and doesn't charge you if you are an account holder it's a good to do in your downtime.

One thing I've hated about the auction hunter show (not seen many storage wars) is they find silver coins and just chunk them.  They are like silver - cool that's XX spot value.  I'm like - well depending on the type / year and if an error that coin(s) could be worth way more then spot value.

For silver here are the dates you need to know:

Dollar - Eisenhower dollar coins - the 1971 - 76 S mint marks are 40% silver.   Peace & Morgan dollars are 90% silver and worth more then spot depending.

Half-dollar -- 1965 - 1970 is 40% silver            1964 and back is 90% silver

Quarter and dime - 1964 and older

Nickle - 1942 - 1945 are 35% silver

Now this is good to know, since I am not a collector had much dealings with coins. I know some are worth more depending on various things, just didnt know exactly what. So big thanks.

Re: Another source of Junk Silver
« Reply #13 on: December 25, 2011, 05:56:54 AM »
Ah, yes. Good ol' coin roll hunting/silver surfing.

Kennedy half dollars were 90% silver in 1964 but between 1965 and 1970 they were 40% silver. I find a 40% one every now and then but the 90% ones are not out there. After 1970 they have no silver in them.

90% silver Kennedy halves are out there, just maybe not in your reserve banking area. How many boxes of halves have you searched through? I have a few rolls worth of '64 Kennedy halves from my CRH escapades. Also found a couple Walking Liberty half dollars from the early 1900s. I did go through $10k in halves the first 2 weeks I started though. Talked a local Bank of America into ordering them for me in return for signing up for an account with them.

What I have yet to come across are any Benjamin Franklin halves or any 1970 Kennedy halves. I can pull a stack of '64s so high that they'll topple over before I can find a '70. I've only seen a '70 in a coin store.

Some of the '64s I've found have been the only thing that was silver in the entire box but were missed by people who edge check exclusively because they had a band of dirt around the edge that people mistook for copper and threw them back in their dump pile thinking they were clad.

So far, I've pulled over $1000 of melt value in silver. Not bad for a part-time hobby.

The real challenge is getting banks to order you halves before they get tired of it and cut you off.

Gave up on my quest for junk silver

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