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Anyone seen Pawn Queens?

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Anyone seen Pawn Queens?
« on: January 30, 2011, 01:25:28 PM »
The show is pretty corny like most reality shows but it's an actual Pawn Shop outside of Chicago. The cool thing is anlike a traditional pawn shop that only takes gold, electronics, etc this one caters to women.

They take cookware, home decor items, strollers, etc.

The cool thing is they will take pretty much anything. The guy gave me $5 for a little lunch size cooler I brought in one day, this is soemthing that probably woudln't have sold on craigslist even.

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Re: Anyone seen Pawn Queens?
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2011, 01:34:36 PM »
Despite Pawn Stars and others the general feeling about pawn shops is a negative one, and I will stop in once in a while to see if items they have for sale offer me any opportunities, but I have found it pretty rare to score there either for resale or for myself.

When I first started I took a piece of gold to three pawns and then to a coin/gold shop. The pawn offers were all over the place and I have been doing biz with the gold place for 7 years now.

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Re: Anyone seen Pawn Queens?
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2011, 11:31:40 AM »
This particular shop is pretty fair and gives decent prices. Basically the gy will generally look at recently sold things on auction sites, craigslist, etc and give you 55% of the value. This may not be great for easy to get rid of items like a xbox 360 or something sell that yourself but for home decor pottery pieces, pictures, etc I think its pertty fair.

Not sure if anyone else has an "isoldit" in their area. I just recently looked up the terms of one near me. It's insane. For some items they require a $30 deposit just to list your item which pretty much defeats the point of those types of services which is generally no upfront cost to you b/c they take such a large cut at the end. The deposit is also non refundable.

The one buy me takes 33% on top of paypal and ebay which normally winds up being another 12.9% of so.

I actually sold one of those coolers with the handles that you bring your lunch to work in, the larger one of course but still got $5 for it. Thats something I was gonna toss or give to goodwill.

I agree though pawn shops overall generally are picky and kind of a ripoff on what you get.

Was at pawn shop during filming of Pawn Queens the other day

Started by rulesforrebels

15 Replies
Last post March 07, 2012, 06:42:23 PM
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Pawn Queens got antoher season, I'm surprised.

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12 Replies
Last post May 19, 2011, 01:23:45 PM
by MovieMan
Have you ever bought anything at a pawn shop? ......

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Last post February 26, 2013, 10:44:12 AM
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Pawn shop pick.

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