Storage Auctions

Auction House no longer taking junk!

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Auction House no longer taking junk!
« on: May 23, 2012, 08:49:52 AM »
I went to a local auction house that I have been doing business with for the last three years, before I started doing storage auctions. I typically take them antique furniture, lower end pieces, and little nick-nack pieces of furniture that are not worth the hassle to sell on Craigslist (i.e. small storage racks, baker's racks, odd chairs, computer desks, small tables, end tables, etc.)

Well I took a load to them so they could sell it while I was on vacation, and when they looked at what I had (the usual stuff I bring) they said they could'nt take it, it wasn't worth enough! The guy I was talking to said sales are continueing to decline and they are having financial difficulties. He walked me around the showroom and showed the prices the furniture sold for at the last auction. Some of it I was amazed at how cheap it sold for, others I thought to myself well yea, it's ugly as chit and nobody will buy it, so as a re-seller why buy it! It sounds like more and more of thier client base is re-sellers and not retail customers. They have been in business for 30+ years so I trust they know what they are doing.

Anyway, I had to sweeten the deal with some nicer furniture for them to take the whole lot. If this is going to be the case from here on out, I am definitely going to have to back off on bidding on lower end units that typically have these odd, lower quality furniture pieces. At gas over $3 a gallon I am not going to run back and forth to try to sell $5-$10 computer tables, and bookshelves to Craigslist buyers.

Re: Auction House no longer taking junk!
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2012, 09:39:39 PM »
We go to one in Kentucky and the audience seems to be shifting there as well but in the opposite direction. Started out we bought a table for 3.00, a chair for 7.00 and a rocker for 14.00. The other stuff was selling dirt cheap too. Last weekend they had a hutch with a drawer in it that didn't belong (hell it didn't even match colors) that sold for almost 100.00!! They have "new" nights where they sell off anything and everything that's still in it's package and they were selling Little Debbie doughnut bags marked $1.99 for $3.00! Seems like the storage unit buyers are shifting momentum towards trying to pick.

Offline money4nothing

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Re: Auction House no longer taking junk!
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2012, 01:45:25 PM »
che85mor   Stinks when a place for resale want work anymore. 

We feel your pain.....

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