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How often do you have a yard/garage sale?

Offline MovieMan

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How often do you have a yard/garage sale?
« on: February 17, 2013, 01:26:59 PM »
Some cities have statutes designed to protect the city from becoming community of sellers, some don't.

Seems like two to 4 sales is a year is common from the "legal" standpoint.

Since I sell Saturdays at a flea market I don't have yard/garage sales.


Re: How often do you have a yard/garage sale?
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2013, 05:36:54 PM »
I try selling things all different ways with craigslist being my main outlet, and ebay being a fairly big outlet too.  But, I love a few garage sales a year just to get rid of a bunch of the stuff that piles up that is really not worth enough for craigslist or worth the hassle of putting it on ebay. 

I'm actually going through stuff right now and I'm shooting for a garage sale around the beginning of April if we get a nice week end.  I'm going to try something new..........I've got a full basement full of stuff an I'm going to try and "everything for a dollar" garage sale.  I'll do it on a Friday and Saturday, and everything left over will go straight to Goodwill!  I figure I've made money on all the rest, and these leftovers will just be gravy on top. 

And, I'll have all my crap cleared out and ready for new summer inventory!

Re: How often do you have a yard/garage sale?
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2013, 08:50:20 AM »
I live out in the woods off the major roads so no sales for me.  I'm toying with the idea of doing one at my mothers house as it is just off a main highway.  Even then I think it's not in a "prime" location.  Most people hit the city and subdivisions as you can get 4-5 sales in the same area.  With the talk of $5 gas this summer it may slow down the yardsale people...maybe.

My sister-in-laws house is in a good location.  However, you have to buy a city permit.  By the time I do that and move everything to her house I can just go hit the flea or my buddies store.

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