Storage Auctions

Excellent thrift store score

Excellent thrift store score
« on: June 30, 2012, 12:49:27 AM »
I was doing a service call in a neighboring town a couple weeks back and decided to stop in at a thrift I noticed for the first time. Was looking at the jeans and the shirts, purses, toys... the usual stuff. On my way out I see a shelf PACKED with model car kits. I knew a little something about them from building them as a kid and thought maybe I'd buy a couple and build them with my son. So I started to look a couple up on eBay.

After looking up 5 of them I asked for a manager. They had them listed at $4.98 each. I asked, if I buy them all, how much will you sell them for? She said if I bought them all, I had to buy them ALL. I asked what she meant and she took me in the back where there were 4 more massive bins of them. I said ok and asked how much each. She said $.75 each. I asked if I could peek in a few boxes and see if they are completed or are still in pieces. I noticed most of the decals were missing but I estimated that 99% of them hadn't been touched other than to remove the decals (turned out I was right). Ended up buying 160 kits for $120.00 +tax.

Took them home, opened them up, photographed them and started putting them on eBay. It's been two weeks now, we've sold about 25 of them and I'm looking at a $780.00 paypal balance! /happydance

Something I've learned from this experience. The decal sheets sell for upwards of 10.00 by themselves. In addition to that, certain parts from the kit can be sold individually too. For example, wheels and tires and hubs, motors, roll cages, bodies, seats, and accessories like spoilers or pets or phones, chrome parts, the list goes on and on... all these items sell by themselves for anywhere from $2.00 (chrome mirrors from an incomplete set) up to $25 (Cragar rims with redline goodyears)! Spoilers, bumpers, freaking gas caps all of it!

Which led me to one last thing. I thought, hell if I can sell the individual pieces like that, why not go buy a model and part it out. When I was a kid they were 8.00 all day at wal-mart. Now, wal-mart doesn't even sell them and the stores that do want 18.00-100.00 PER kit!

Offline Alias300

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Re: Excellent thrift store score
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2012, 01:23:07 AM »
You couldn't have posted this last weekend!?
There was an estate sale and guy had dozens of unopened models.

Hate you.  >:(

 ;D ;D ;D

Offline money4nothing

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Re: Excellent thrift store score
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2012, 04:07:53 PM »
You couldn't have posted this last weekend!?
There was an estate sale and guy had dozens of unopened models.

Hate you.  >:(

 ;D ;D ;D

LOL Why you need a fancy phone..... I would have passed too. 

Great score che85mor   

Offline Alias300

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Re: Excellent thrift store score
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2012, 06:52:52 PM »
LOL Why you need a fancy phone.....


I do.  Many of them, in fact.
 Just...they are pieces.  :-\

That was not one of my better laid out plans.  But I learned a lot.  At least now I can fix, unlock, jailbreak my own stuff.  Wouldn't dare do for others.  Tend to break more than I fix.    ::)

Re: Excellent thrift store score
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2012, 12:32:10 AM »
You couldn't have posted this last weekend!?
There was an estate sale and guy had dozens of unopened models.

Hate you.  >:(

 ;D ;D ;D

Damn! I could have posted this last weekend but I've been so busy listing them lol! Any chance of going back? I would!

Re: Excellent thrift store score
« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2012, 12:42:53 PM »
I just ran by the thrift store in my town, and they had a small box of sewing patterns (my niece is learning how to sew) thought it would be great for her. Started to ask the lady what she would take and she said you can have them if you will take all the patterns I have. There were 6 boxes of sewing patterns unopend and not cut. Not sure of the value, but the lady gave them to me for free, all I had to do was load them

Offline money4nothing

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Re: Excellent thrift store score
« Reply #6 on: August 02, 2012, 06:45:48 AM »
Not sure of the value, but the lady gave them to me for free, all I had to do was load them

Free is always good. Recent research on older patterns on ebay show a nice return. $3 or $4 each easy shipping of $1 or so. Might try etsy too. 

(research for a theme wedding) Little house on the prairie style.  ::)

good luck.

Offline Jesterc333

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Re: Excellent thrift store score
« Reply #7 on: August 03, 2012, 10:31:26 AM »
That is awesome. Wished I'd have known I saw on C-list the other day some lady was cleaning out her kids old rooms and she had a bunch listed on the free section the only catch was if you take the unopened you also have to take the finished models It didn't even register to me at the time.

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