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Has anyone made any good picks lately?

Offline Travis

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Has anyone made any good picks lately?
« on: January 03, 2013, 07:19:43 PM »
Has anyone made any good picks lately?

Re: Has anyone made any good picks lately?
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2013, 07:45:41 PM »
I was just digging one out when I clicked on this thread.....oh, wait, wrong pick! :)

Not long ago, I found a guy that was selling some Hobart bowls and mixer stuff on CL.....he was asking $500.  I emailed him and asked if he'd be interested in a 10/22 in trade instead.   He asked me to send him a couple of pictures and I did and he emailed me back and said, "Yeah, let's do the deal". 

So, I drove down and met him and picked up a couple of 80 quart mixing bowls, some adapters, dough hook, paddles, etc.  So far I have put $700 back in my pocket and I still have three items left (estimate I will net another 225-300).  Not a bad trade for a rifle I only paid $249 for brand new.  I wanted to get rid of that one anyway to get the new take down model.

Also bought a signed copy of Larry Hagmans autobiography for $5.....had a certificate of authenticity and all......10 days later, poor old JR kicks the bucket.  I put it up on $73 for it......not huge, but timing is everything!

Bought a candy vending machine, a 25 slot one with dollar changer.  I paid $275 for it.  Put it up on cl, sold for $900 a week later.

Anyway, could go on and on with examples, just in the last month or two, but don't want to bore the crowd......

Offline Alias300

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Re: Has anyone made any good picks lately?
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2013, 11:02:20 PM »
Not really.  December was brutal.   :'(

Mostly just small housewares and some tools.  Few dollar mark up.

Pyrex, copper pans, few nice chef knives, ........nothing to brag about.

Did get some game used, signed, Seattle Mariners bats from the 1990's. 
Not that anyone wants Mariners stuff..... 

Offline Alias300

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Re: Has anyone made any good picks lately?
« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2013, 06:51:41 PM »
 Got 200lbs of scrap aluminum and a bunch of Mikita tools for $20.

Second one picked up 15 dead car batteries, free.   Bang and Olufsen speakers for $10. 

Third, got personal use stuff.  2gals Windex, 5 liquid Tide, 6 comet, 12 scrubbing bubbles and a big box of canned food.   All free!!


Makita's didn't have batteries but tested once home and thy all work and I have several extra batteries from another sale

3 Drills
1 Circular saw
2 Mini-circular saws
1 Sander/grinder
2 Chargers.

Think I should stand to make about $300 after expenses (200-some of it fast from recyclables) plus the $100-ish in grocery goods, makes for a good picking day.....

$310 in profit in 24hrs.   Keeping a couple tools too.   

Offline money4nothing

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Re: Has anyone made any good picks lately?
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2013, 06:23:21 AM »
Well haven't had a lot of time but always on the look out.
Hubby was inspecting a home new owners moving in old owners moving out. So a pile of stuff by the curb free. He picked up a stained glass carousel light. found a few pieces that had fallen off. Loaded up in the truck. On the road worried about it getting beat up stopped at an antique store.. She offered $200 for it. He bantered back then she said well let me go look it up and he said if you do that the price is going up... LOL  sold for the $200.  So all in all a good day Tatar.

Re: Has anyone made any good picks lately?
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2013, 03:04:56 AM »
Well this is not like a new pick but and old pick new.  Back in year 2003 I was working for he military up in Michigan and one day we were driving along and someone was giving away a riding lawn mower for free.  Well we picked it up and took it home and it looked old, but the motor looked great and ran great.  After finding out the transmission had a big hole in it i decided to keep the motor and trash the rest.  No heart in throwing away a good motor, we mover from Michigan to Virginia in 2004 and kept it.  The thing sat in the shed since then until yesterday.  4 years ago we went to Lowes and bought a $1600.00 Husqvarna riding mower and discovered that the stupid Koler motors developed a cracked block and would lose all the oil. My idea was to place this 1995 Briggs and Stratton motor on this 2009 Husqvarna.  The thing bolted right into position and after a shot of starting fluid she fired right up.  The muffler even bolted up in the right position.   I then got to tell the wife, see honey pack ratting does pay off..... saved me 600 bucks for a new motor.... yea...

Offline ncali

Re: Has anyone made any good picks lately?
« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2013, 12:14:26 AM »
Picked this up for &150. fLIPPED IT FOR 4 on the way home

Offline Alias300

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Re: Has anyone made any good picks lately?
« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2013, 09:57:50 AM »
I picked up an Armani blak wool overcoat at Value Village for $20.
From what I can tell its 1980's.  Sold for around $1500.
Found a like one selling for $200 and mine is way better condition.

Really doesnt matter.  I'm keeping it.   Been looking for years for an overcoat.
First one that has fit.

I wish i was a size 42-44.  Lots of clothes.   None for us skinny guys......

Re: Has anyone made any good picks lately?
« Reply #8 on: March 20, 2013, 12:01:41 PM »
Had my first good yard sale pick of the year.  Found a small silver jewelry box.  About 4x3x1 inches in size.  Figured it was silver plated.  Asked how much and lady said $.50.  I couldn't pay her fast enough.

Get in the truck and take a better look.  Is a silver-nickle plate like I thought.  Is the Poole Silver Co out of Mass.  Year - 1894.  Yes - I just found a antique item for $.50.  Quick check on ebay finds simular boxes with complete bids over $100.

Wife of course called dibs on it when got back to the house.  It's now on the "history desk" with her megladon teeth, fossiles, etc.

I am kicking myself now as the lady had some flatware just tossed in it's case.  I figured it was plated and she would want $50+ for it.  Specially since she had told a lady $45 for a doll she had in her hands.  Now I'm wondering how old that flatware would of been, if it was pure silver, or what.  Should of asked.

Offline Alias300

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Re: Has anyone made any good picks lately?
« Reply #9 on: March 20, 2013, 01:18:45 PM »
All my picks have been for personal, not resale.

Got two suits.  An Armani and a Kenneth Cole.  Both in like new condition and fit perfect.
Armani was $17 and KC was $10.    Not sure original price on Armani but KC is was about $600.
I may try to sell the KC since its a style I don't have much use for.   It's the 'New York' line.  Kinda conservative.

Also got a copper sauté pan for $7.  Excellent condition.  New they are going for $75.

Only resale stuff is a bunch of iMac/PowerBook adapters. Like DVI to video stuff.  Got them for $3-$5 and sell for $15-$50.

Not much on the horizon this week for picking estates or for auctions so im just making the rounds to thrift stores and relisting smalls that haven't sold.

What are some of your best picks ?

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