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Here we go again ...... Thrift Hunters

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Here we go again ...... Thrift Hunters
« on: February 12, 2014, 08:33:29 PM »
Well, given the broad thrifting aspect of flea markets, garage sales, yard sales, barns, etc this show probably won't destroy the picking business the way the storage wars shows did.

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Re: Here we go again ...... Thrift Hunters
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2014, 09:00:04 PM »
One of the two buyers on this show is Jason. He's the one with the beard.

After buying some stuff they went home, researched it (I do that BEFORE I buy it) and put stuff on eBay.
(they DID look up some stuff on a phone at one store before they decided not to buy it).

Jason got a Rad..The Movie jacket in a batch he bought for $10. Put it on eBay for $1K or offer and after a few offers from one guy sold it to him for $700.


The cameras took close up pics of the bids on the computer screen and by stopping the streaming video a few times I came up with buyer's name, the seller's name and found the feedbacks, the item and Jason's current they are.

ebay (dot) com/sch/tikipugmusic/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_ipg=&_from=

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Re: Here we go again ...... Thrift Hunters
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2014, 09:09:06 PM »
I looked up Jason's completed listings (1647) and then his sold listings (693).
That works out to 43% of the listed items getting sold. Sounds pretty good.
He currently has about 850 items listed (2/12/2014)

Re: Here we go again ...... Thrift Hunters
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2014, 09:54:35 PM »
There are a bunch of sold items, but most seem to average between $15 - $30 with a few higher priced items interspersed.  I am really not that impressed......if that is all it takes to get a tv show, sign me up! 

Seems like they accept quite a few "best offers" also.

I haven't seen the show......are they selling in their own store or something too?  I don't see them making a living just on what is selling on ebay recently.......

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Re: Here we go again ...... Thrift Hunters
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2014, 09:58:55 PM »
Here's the eBay offering of Mr. Skinny Bones (by Marx) as seen on episode 2 of Thrift Hunters.

I'm pretty sure this is the other featured player from the tv series but can't verify that yet. This seller is based in Las Vegas where the tv show actors are based.

Item had not sold as of 2/12/14 and was acquired sometime around May, 2013.

ebay (dot) com/itm/Skinny-Bones-Louis-Marx-Plastic-Toy-1970-Original-Box-Seen-on-Thrift-Hunters-Mr-/191055727456?pt=Vintage_Antique_Toys_US&hash=item2c7bcf0b60


Yep, looking at the last two pictures in the Mr. Skinny listing each of the two actors is shown with the doll. So, now we have the eBay sellers names on both these guys. If this show pans out it will be fun to watch their buys come and go on eBay.

The first two episodes I watched appear to have been taped in May, 2014 and first broadcast in January, 2014, about 8 to 9 months after being produced.

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Re: Here we go again ...... Thrift Hunters
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2014, 10:10:58 PM »

I haven't seen the show......are they selling in their own store or something too?  I don't see them making a living just on what is selling on ebay recently.......

I've watched 2 episodes of I think 3 available. So far no store of their own is shown. In the 2nd episode they went to Atlanta, GA to shop. Of course the airplane tickets, etc aren't shown in the expenses which take away from the profits.

If they spend $28.75 the "spent" tag pops up showing $28 and then the "projected" sale amount pops up with whatever they think they'll get...maybe $240 or something on the $28.  At least that is a little better than the Storage Wars renderings. Then when they sell the stuff (in a speeded up process on eBay) they break it out to the profit level too...I don't think Storage Wars really did that, and it was so faked up anyway it didn't matter.

So far I like this one because it has exposed me to a few new items I might look for or just run across.
I don't think I've really found a good buy in an antique mall and they pretty much didn't either. Generally those places are run by people who know what they've got and are looking to sell to the end buyer.

I and other pickers like the flea markets, thrift stores, garage sales, piece by piece auctions where the prices are better and the profit potential is higher.

This show is a step down (in several ways) from American Pickers, but still somewhat least for a while. Who knows how long it will last. Doesn't have much of a cast, but then neither does American Pickers.

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Re: Here we go again ...... Thrift Hunters
« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2014, 09:20:30 AM »
I like that show. I think it's fun to see what they pick up. They definitely don't pick up the types of items I would but it does make me think about looking at different things.

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Re: Here we go again ...... Thrift Hunters
« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2014, 09:25:28 AM »
I like that show. I think it's fun to see what they pick up. They definitely don't pick up the types of items I would but it does make me think about looking at different things.

That's true for me too.  I buy mostly tools, electronics and industrial items but I see plenty of the stuff they buy so I am thinking the best thing I have learned from the show is to expand my horizons.

If I can buy stuff cheaply enough and make some scores on even a few of them, it will pay off and the stuff that doesn't sell can be donated, sold at a flea market (maybe) or sold at a yard sale.

Still, like you, I am going to find it hard to buy a tie with paw-prints on it, or something of that sort.

My best toy pick was a Marx WWII era train set; army engine, cars (searchlight, tank carrier flat car with wind-up tank).  Paid $100 (years ago) sold for $400 on eBay.  Old toys are neat but I have bought Marx stuff that hasn't sold as well (that is, as well as I hoped !)

Re: Here we go again ...... Thrift Hunters
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2014, 09:58:55 AM »
they have a facebook group called thrifting with the boys movieman , and i would recomend you join (free) ive picked up a ton of knowledge

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Here we go again ...... Thrift Hunters
« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2014, 10:11:48 AM »
they have a facebook group called thrifting with the boys movieman , and i would recomend you join (free) ive picked up a ton of knowledge

I saw that in their bios. Thanks for recommendation!

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