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Pick'n eBay?

Offline Alias300

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Pick'n eBay?
« on: June 28, 2013, 02:37:37 PM »
I'm trying it out since I just opened my own ebay acct. rather than using others.  So far I've gotten one item...well, a 'lot' of many items.

A friend of mine does well at it.  He set up alerts plus just browses constantly.
Tho he does have money so he can have 100 bids out at a time and if he wins them all he can cover it.
He says averaged out he wins and resales about $1000/month profit. 

Just wondering if anyone (besides him) actually makes this work?

Re: Pick'n eBay?
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2013, 04:38:13 PM »
Well, the funny thing is that some of the things that I have sold on eBay were bought to resell.  A motorcycle jacket went to Costa Rica. Camera lens and vintage stereo equipment went to China.  If your in an area that you can sell the stuff that would be a good thing.

Re: Pick'n eBay?
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2013, 05:46:18 PM »
I would think that the only way to make serious money picking ebay is to buy lots. I've never looked into it, but I certainly will!

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Re: Pick'n eBay?
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2013, 06:36:03 PM »
Yeah, his is in the numbers.  Bids on stuff everyday.  But like I said, he has money.  If I bid on a 100 auctions and all top bids set at $100 and somehow won them ALL.....I'd be screwed.

It's never happened that bad but he has had weeks where he's won several thousand in auctions.

But unlike storage auctions he knows he can sell it all for more than he paid. 

Just got a Nikon for $125 and sold it for $600 the day it arrived.

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Re: Pick'n eBay?
« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2013, 07:45:35 PM »
I can see how the numbers game would work. Some items just don't get bid on. So, if you're the only bidder or there isn't too much competition, you can get some great deals. I bought a 1.5 carat VSII E pear shaped diamond ring set in 14K gold about a year ago. The pictures sucked (blurry) but the seller had great feedback and described it accurately. I was the only bidder and I won the ring for $270. Would have paid several hundred or more anywhere else.

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Re: Pick'n eBay?
« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2013, 12:40:22 PM »
So far this is to working for me.
For one thing it's hard to find things I know I can sell that aren't popular items to bid on. 

Most  importantly I don't have the funds.   I can't risk winning a multitude of auctions.

Friends been doing good in silver.  But he can afford the bigger pieces that aren't being heavily bid on.
He can also risk bidding on 200 auctions at once, he has the cash to cover it.  In reality, out of 1000 bids he might win 10?    It's all about grinding it out.   Makes some good sores but mostly its about the $5, $20...$50 hits.    But he does hundreds if not thousands of them.   Adds up.

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Re: Pick'n eBay?
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2013, 11:31:02 AM »
I think it all depends on what your avenue to resell stuff is. I know some people try to buy stuff on ebay and resell it on ebay. Yeah you can occasionally get good deals or a steal, however since ebay, especially auctions, kind of determines market price basically whatever you buy it for is going to be around the same as whatever you can sell it for unless someone maybe does a 1 day auction, starts it really low with no reserve and you really get a steal. Even if you get a good deal your looking at 10%-13% in ebay and Paypal fees so not a ton of room to make money.

As some others on here have said though, if you have avenues to move stuff off ebay or even better out of the country where you can bigger premiums it could be a way to make some money. Sounds like a lot of work though. I occasionally see people buying from me attempting to resell on ebay but most lose money

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