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Picking Yard Sales Weekend May 4

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Picking Yard Sales Weekend May 4
« on: May 04, 2012, 04:32:55 PM »
Went out yard selling  ::)

No great finds a few personal items picked.

But every sell we went to, the sellers were of a much older generation (over 70).

Just found that interesting. And no good picks.  ???

Did pick an antique piece from the thrift we sell at. We had done some trading before Christmas, she owed us $40. Gave her $10 bucks for the piece and washed the $40. 

Nice Chifforobe. The closet side was locked and a tantalizing list of guns in the other cabinet.  And it was heavy as He**..  Was hoping to post some pics of a nice gun collection.

We got in and just musty smelly work clothes.  :-\

Re: Picking Yard Sales Weekend May 4
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2012, 12:26:15 AM »
Haven't seen any advertised that were especially enticing for this weekend. Probably just cruise around locally and see what's going on.

We've done well at church sales lately, as they tend to have a lot of stuff in one spot and the pricing tends to be awesome, probably cause they aren't selling, and over-valuing, their own items.

It is one advantage to being in a town with a good number of churches.  :)

Already looking forward to next weekend!!

Re: Picking Yard Sales Weekend May 4
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2012, 12:28:48 AM »
Has anyone else noticed the prices at yard sales are through the roof? I saw an ad in CL today and the lady had a box marked "Everyday dishes, 8pc set. 100.00"

I emailed her and said thanks for showing the price so I know which ones to skip.

Re: Picking Yard Sales Weekend May 4
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2012, 12:37:08 AM »
Has anyone else noticed the prices at yard sales are through the roof?

The ones that kill me are where they list what they originally spent on the item. Like it is even revelant any more.

It seems as though any that list the prices are overpriced. It helps to narrow down the list and avoid a wasted trip.

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Re: Picking Yard Sales Weekend May 4
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2012, 04:52:07 AM »

This is an ad on CL wants $800 for all of it. Listed it as an Auction

"i have 42 records which i search for prices and most of them and on some are worth 25 and some 15 so if you would sell all them for 12.50 each theres about half your profit just in records
also have a 2 twin bedroom set and a book shelf with it and that could be worth up to 2-300$ maybe more
alot of plumbing tools its not even funny which are worth alot that are in another garage. 200$ maybe more easily
i have blue futon bought for 100 at walmart for christmas so worth up to 75-85$
a glass nice book shelf could sell for 80$ probably more
decoration fireplace 70$ maybe more
2 office printers dont know how much but id say 90$
bunch of home books about 50 of them maybe more which price on back of them say about 20$ each i would sell for 3$ each which is cheap"

Almost looks like a noobie auction buyer.

If he can sell for so much why can't he sell it himself.?
His evaluations way to high.

Not too much happing here on the yard sale front either. Found a good Auction on Sunday, more of I want to go see what things are going for and such. The pictures look good.

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Re: Picking Yard Sales Weekend May 4
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2012, 07:18:30 PM »
Hit a few in our local area. Nothing spectacular.

Another funny, two out of the five we stopped at had a card board box marked with XXX movies.
 AT A Yard Sale.  ???

Went to the junk place (place has been there for at least 20 years). Lady has everything under the sun, mostly junk. My Husband can't stand it gives him the creeps or just drives him nuts of stuff everywhere.

Guess I should take a picture to hard to explain. Takes about an hour to walk around and see everything. The sad part is it is all in the weather.

Picked up some things to make planters out of some metal chairs I have. For resale of course.

Re: Picking Yard Sales Weekend May 4
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2012, 08:08:58 PM »
Hit a few in our local area. Nothing spectacular.

Another funny, two out of the five we stopped at had a card board box marked with XXX movies.
 AT A Yard Sale.  ???

Went to the junk place (place has been there for at least 20 years). Lady has everything under the sun, mostly junk. My Husband can't stand it gives him the creeps or just drives him nuts of stuff everywhere.

Guess I should take a picture to hard to explain. Takes about an hour to walk around and see everything. The sad part is it is all in the weather.

Post some pictures - would be interested to see THAT!  (Junk place, not the porno!! :P)

Also, how do you pitch those videos at a yard sale?  " some stuff by Seka-something-or other.....that selling for my....neighbor......"  (Alrighty then....)

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Re: Picking Yard Sales Weekend May 4
« Reply #7 on: May 06, 2012, 06:18:41 AM »
Post some pictures - would be interested to see THAT!  (Junk place, not the porno!! :P)

Also, how do you pitch those videos at a yard sale?  " some stuff by Seka-something-or other.....that selling for my....neighbor......"  (Alrighty then....)


Will try and get a pic or two of the junk place. The lady who runs it is a few sandwiches short of a full picnic basket.  ;).

Tried to by a piece of a rocking chair. (curved bottom to repair a rocker we have) She said oh that goes to that rocker over there (all in pieces) Somebody will buy that. I had to put them back.  ::)

But if you can not find what you are looking for (parts and pieces) you probably want.

Re: Picking Yard Sales Weekend May 4
« Reply #8 on: May 07, 2012, 08:16:50 PM »
I didn't get to do any picking since was selling.  On the prices at yard sales I have seen some outrageous prices.  One lady had a generator for sale with a price of $300.  I looked it up on my phone and it's new for $298.  Couldn't get it to start so offered her $50 for it but she wouldn't bite.  Hit other sales that same weekend to people asking $8 for PS2 games and the like.  Most vendors at the flea are only $5 and under.

On the porn I would of had to scan the titles / dates.  If it's newer stuff and they only wanted say a $.25 or $.50 each per title I could of made a few bucks profit per title doing re-sale.  Someone had a post here with a site that bought porn DVDs.  I've only been able to send in and sell 2 titles but that was $9 I was going to trash.  I have NEVER seen porn at a yard sale however, only out of units.

Re: Picking Yard Sales Weekend May 4
« Reply #9 on: May 13, 2012, 08:59:34 PM »
Hit several this weekend.Hit a church rummage sale.All jewelry was 50 cents.Pick up a 10Kt gold frat pin and about six pieces of sterling silver.I also got 2 bags of Levis 501s for 2 dollars a bag.Pick up a vintage Russion Flask and some other clothes.
I always hit the church,school fundraising sales.They don't have an emotional attachment so things are cheaper.

Re: Picking Yard Sales Weekend May 4
« Reply #10 on: May 22, 2012, 05:22:18 PM »
Porn at a yard sale sounds like the makings of a hilarious youtube video!

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