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Yard Sale Picking Has Been Good

Yard Sale Picking Has Been Good
« on: September 30, 2012, 11:07:12 AM »
Haven't seen any new threads on this lately. Yard sales have been good to me. Found this weekend 10' Husky fiberglass ladder 5.00 ;D. I have another story will share later on. What is everyone else finding? 

Re: Yard Sale Picking Has Been Good
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2012, 03:13:25 PM »
Yard Sales are not very good to me.    I usually don't find anything to buy on first visit but I always leave a business card and tell them to call me when its over and I will make an offer on all leftovers.  Have much better luck with that.  They would rather take the $50 for whats left than load it up and deliver it to good will.

I have two tomorrow I gotta go put bids on. 

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Re: Yard Sale Picking Has Been Good
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2012, 11:57:47 AM »
I've yet to find anything this year at garage sales for resale.

Found some good deals for personal use.  New-like Fluke tool bag for $5 that retails for $60 could sell but I needed....well, wanted it. 

And I'm good on locks now.  Got a coffee can full (with keys) for $10.   Have sold a few of those at $5/ea at auctions.

People just price stuff like its gold and most of the time I'm not in the mood to haggle........

Re: Yard Sale Picking Has Been Good
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2012, 11:50:02 PM »
Well I sold the ladder that I bought for 5 got 100 out of it. Guy that bought it was happy and so was I.

Now the story I talked about in my first post. I always try to contact people before their sale. It never hurts to ask most of these are listed on Craigslist. I get plenty of no what till the sale but a few say yes. There was an ad listed for moving sale. I contacted the lady and spent 2 days emailing back and forth. Finally she agreed to let me come up Friday evening. When I got there they were moving some furniture and she told me a could start looking through a 6x8 enclosed trailer. Come to find out this was a divorce sale (already divorced) selling everything he left. I started making a pile on the ramp of the trailer. Highlights Ridgid worm drive skill saw 3 totes of tools, 2 boxes full of fishing lures some new in package, a wooden sculpture, large nfl ticket stub collectible for man room, drop cords and other items. Paid 100 for everything. When I went in the house there was a slot machine japan kind full sized sitting in the corner. Is this for sale yes but it doesn't work. All the lights wouldn't come on so I left that. Going home I thought of my friend who dabbles in video games. Later that night I emailed her and asked to hold it for me. Went down next morning looked at it again and saw I had missed a tote of tools that were still there. Asked if she would take 50 for slot machine and tote she said yes. Also picked up a pair of Polk Audio speakers for 5. Here's where it gets good get the slot machine home open it up and started flipping a couple of the switches on panel and you guessed it everything lite up and works great. In the tote of tools besides 4 hammers chisels and other small hand tools was a brand new wash down pump for a boat still in the box. I am slowly selling everything and should do very well. I know these don't come around all the time but keep looking you never know. ;D ;D      

Re: Yard Sale Picking Has Been Good
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2012, 08:12:00 AM »
That is some great finds there - Gratz.

Yard sales are slowing down in my area.  Starting to get cool and dark in the morning so people are sleeping in more.  Over the past few months I've found things I've flipped but nothing really great.

Not sure about other people but I have a general results like this.  Out of 5 sales I hit, 1 is a person asking just under, at, or over retail for their items.  They are just in love with the stuff and don't want to part with them.  Another spot will have the "ebay know it all", that ask for ebay prices...even if those are not completed sales.  I've grown tired of the "It's worth $40 on ebay"....then try and sell it there.  The other two have good personal prices but not for re-sale.  Then you get that 1 sale that just wants the stuff gone.  Those if you hit them first thing in the morning or late in the day can be money makers.

Re: Yard Sale Picking Has Been Good
« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2012, 04:56:34 PM »
Yard sales are my primary source of product. I mainly sell on eBay. Just this past weekend, I picked up a Manhole Game & Watch for a quarter and it's currently selling for 107 on eBay with 5 days to go. Got a Nike LiveStrong.Org Bike Jersey a couple weekends ago for $1 and it's currently selling for $37 with a few hours to go (expect a few more bids on that one.) My bread and butter is the buy for $1 and sell for $10-15, but every once in a while, I find something with a greater return.

I'm lucky that I live in a place that has over 200 yard sales almost every weekend and weather is usually not an issue. It doesn't even really get cold here.

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Re: Yard Sale Picking Has Been Good
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2012, 07:30:12 AM »
I would image that there aren't a lot of other people hunting for board games. Really interesting niche.

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