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Messages - Kat612

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General Storage Auction Talk / Re: Is your significant other a hoarder?
« on: September 28, 2013, 07:12:35 PM »
My husband would be if I let him.  He always wants to keep stuff that he will never use. If I come across something I will actually use or really want then I will keep it, otherwise no. His dad is worse.  He used to rent a garage just to keep his stuff in.  He is always buying stuff off of people and then just puts it in storage and never looks at it.  Once, when my husband and I first started dating we went to help his dad clean out his garage because we where going to the flea market and his dad wanted us to try to sell some stuff for him...we spent HOURS going through everything and ended up with hardly any stuff to sell, and what he did want to sell he wanted way to much money for it so nobody wanted to buy it. Eventually he built his own garage now he has all his stuff in his back yard.

My mom too.  She is a yard sale and dollar store shopaholic, and most of the stuff she buys she hardly uses.  My dad makes sure the actual living area of the house is not piled with stuff, but anywhere else is filled.  When I moved out it took her less then a month to fill my room with stuff, and I had the biggest bedroom in the house. Their house is a three bedroom, in my parent's room you can just get to their bed. Every once in awhile she will go through her stuff and then show up at my house with totes of coloring books, office supplies, craft supplies etc for the kids and then tell me she took stuff to my two sisters as well. lol

By husband's grandmom is another one.  She's 89 and lives with my mother in law.  She had their shed filled with stuff in no time, her thing is furniture. She is always buying furniture and little nick nacks and applicances.(washers dryers and fridges)  She never uses them, right into the shed it goes and now she's rented a storage unit so she can get more stuff!  There is no talking to her about it and my mother in law has refused to take her to anymore yard sales. Also, god forbid you throw anything away!  She will go right out to the trash to get it.  You go to get a baking dish or something and pull out a styrofoam container meat comes in. It drives my mother in law nuts. She washes them and then expects you to reuse them!  Same with tinfoil. Our last unit we got a fridge, I had to lie to her and tell her it didn't work because she wanted to buy it and my mother in law was begging me with her eyes to not let her have it!   If she comes to my house on trash night she will start taking things out of the trash. We have to keep her far away when I am having a yard sale.  We have to keep my mom away when we have a yard sale too.

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: Are YOU a hoarder?
« on: September 27, 2013, 06:34:53 PM »
No.  I cannot stand clutter in my home, it actually makes me sort of uncomfortable.  Once a year I will go through all my stuff and if I haven't used it for a year it goes unless I know for sure I will need it or use it again. Same with moving.  I have moved around quite a bit and every time I've moved I end up getting rid of a lot of stuff.  My kids and husband are a different story...they never want to get rid of anything.

I've only been to one so far, but there was only maybe 7 people there.  Only about half bid and one guy I think was just there to buy stuff off the winners,  because He didn't bid on anything and after the auction went around talking to people and looking in their units with them and by the time he got to us he had some stuff with him.  He was interested in a bike that was in a unit we won but decided not to buy it. He seemed like a nice guy even though he kept calling my husband by the wrong name.  :) The bike had two flat tires and my husband ended up giving it to the guy that works at the storage place who came to fix the broken door on one of the units we bought.   We bought 3 units for under $100 total and have already doubled our money with more stuff left to sell. There were 8 units and only 1 of them went over $150 and that one was a neatly packed unit with labeled boxes, I liked a wicker chest that was in there but we stopped bidding at $100.  The final bid was around $250. We are going to another auction next week at a different facility at a later time(the first one we went to started at 10 am on a friday) and the next one is 4pm on a Thursday, so there might be more people there due to the later start time.  I figure most people who do it part time(like my husband and I)  Can't make it to ones in the morning and early afternoon because they have to work.  My husband just happened to have off that day because his boss was on vacation so we decided to go. I am interested in seeing what the crowd is like this time.

Welcome to the Online Storage Auctions Forum / Re: Hello!
« on: September 27, 2013, 05:38:41 PM »
lol yes.  Kat is a shortened version of my name, I am not actually a cat person.  I have a couple, but only because the kids suckered me into it.  In my opinion dogs are the best, especially the one in my profile pic.  He's the best of the best.  I think so anyway. And I've had ferrets before, and rats, and hamsters, and guinea pigs, and mice and rabbits and hermit crabs and birds and lizards and frogs and turtles and.....I lived in a "zoo" growing up.

Craigslist / Re: Selling Baby Clothes on Craigslist
« on: September 25, 2013, 07:55:35 PM »
I don't know if this has been mentioned before or not, but clothes, especially baby/kids clothes and handbags do really well on facebook. 

A couple of years ago my mother in law's neighbor, who was elderly got sick.  Her son came to visit her and found out she was a hoarder(lots and lots and lots of unopened avon products dating back to the 80's) His mother was going to a nursing home and now he was stuck with the task of getting all of this stuff out of the house so it could be cleaned, fixed up and sold.  We just happened to be visiting MIL that day, went over and was like "Hey, we'll take care of this for you, we will get all of the stuff out, you don't have to pay us money, we just want the stuff."  So we got all of this stuff and we resold it all.  A lot of it on facebook.  I made a lot of money.  Enough to completely finance Christmas(at the time it was late fall)  that year plus my husband and I bought ourselves a $500 dog(see profile pic  ;) )  I probably could of made more money selling on ebay, especially the older stuff but I needed it gone fast, we where not prepared to store that much stuff because it was just pure luck we came across a situation like that.   I was an avon rep for almost 4 years so I knew what a lot of the stuff was worth, so I lowered the price accordingly to make it go fast.

Anyway my point is, while I was frequenting these facebook groups I noticed that clothes, handbags and holiday decorations(especially around whatever holiday the decorations are for) Sell  really well.  Of course you have to price them right, but with the clothes people normally just put them in lots and sell them that way.

Just search for resale or rummage groups in your area on facebook and join or if they are not public ask to join, and then start posting.  Just a little warning, I don't know about other areas but my area the buyers can be difficult.  It's mostly women and they can be catty/cliquey and love drama, they seem to forget that they are grownups and not in high school anymore, and half the time the admins on the group are no better.  So if you can't deal with the BS I don't suggest you try to sell there.  That is why I mainly try to stick to craigslist, flea markets and yard sales now.  If I have something that doesn't sell, or a lot of clothes then I will post on facebook. 

Welcome to the Online Storage Auctions Forum / Hello!
« on: September 25, 2013, 05:30:24 PM »
Hello, My name is Kat and I am new to this forum.  My husband and I are also new to storage auctions.  We went to our first one earlier in the month and did quite well. 

I wanted to join this forum to learn new things about the auction business and pick up some tips and tricks. :)  I look forward to all that I will learn here.

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