Storage Auctions

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Topics - paulieloafer

Pages: [1]
New to Storage Auctions? / Bed Bugs ???
« on: May 02, 2011, 01:13:23 PM »
Real quick question.  How big of an issue are bed bugs .  How do you check for them and what do you do if you find that a unit you buy has them? Horror stories are welcome. Thanks !

I'm just curious as to whether or not anyone has ever found something in a unit they won that made them feel compelled to find and contact the previous owner of the item.  Perhaps it was something that seemed would be very sentimental to someone.  I am sure that this is a pretty dumb question but it's going to be rattling around in my head for awhile so I thought I would put it out there.  I used to do lots of metal detecting (not the same...but still searching for treasures that aren't usually there) and there was always "talk" of returning items that seemed they would have been especially bad for someone to have lost.  I never found anything of that stature metal detecting but, you never know, I just might find it buying a storage unit and I"ll need to know what to do or not do...


My name's Paul.  I've been perusing the site for a week or so now and I felt I should introduce myself and stop being a creeper.  I began wanting to go to storage auctions about 25 years ago, when I was in my early twenties and very very broke.  So I had to let that dream is often the destiny of dreams....(is that too sad?...cause I may be exaggerating just a bit). now I've been to two storage auctions in my town and can't wait to actually find one I can convince myself to buy.  This is ground floor stuff in the beginning lines of my autobiography that I'm sure I will one day write.  I currently am limited by the fact that I live in an apartment and the only vehicle I own is a Toyota Yaris...makes me laugh just typing it out.  I've been buying and selling garage sale stuff on ebay beginning in January (anyone smell a new years resolution?) and will continue doing that and hopefully find just the right compact unit or two along the way until I can afford an old raggedy truck and a storage unit of my own....and out !  I love digging through boxes and bags of "trash" (not garbage) and I know that treasures can always be just another bag/box away.  Well, so can infected needles and rat feces but hopefully more of the treasure-type materials.  Okay, that's me...or at least a bit of me which is probably plenty for now.  I like the site and am glad that I found it.

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