Storage Auctions

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Topics - Lunachick

Pages: [1]
New to Storage Auctions? / Here is a dumb question......
« on: October 07, 2011, 01:02:03 AM »
What do I do with all the CRAP? I bought my first 2 units a few days ago and unfortunately the hundreds of boxes I was so excited to go through....were crap. I know this is probably the most common problem in this business, but thought I would ask if anyone had any suggestions.

I first donated what I could, but they were picky about what they would take. Then I put aside everything that I can recycle (including anything metal and appliances I can scrap out). Then I took just one load to the dump and it cost me $60 and they were also picky about what they would take. I have several more loads of trash and don't know where to go with it. If the dump won't take it, who will???

The "Other" Job / Social Worker/Rockstar
« on: September 25, 2011, 10:49:56 PM »
My full time job is as a social worker. I work with the State of OR providing case management to adults with developmental disabilities.

I am also in a band......not quite a "rockstar" but you can always dream!

I have to keep myself busy or I get restless. I am starting out slow and not risking more money than I have to spare when purchasing lockers.    Just in case you want to check us out. Not a plug, I promise.

New to Storage Auctions? / Blue Prints - building plans
« on: September 25, 2011, 03:42:42 PM »
So I have not yet attended a storage auction, but I found a lady who buys several units, looks for jewelry or expensive antiques and then dumps the rest. LONG story short, I bought a unit full of stuff for $50. Unfortunately it all turned out to be junk. My question though is about a huge rumbermaid container of blueprints. They appear to be plans for buildings and housing developments from a few years back. What should I do with these. Dump them (recycle of course)? Any value? Total noobie question!

Hey there auction hunters...... My neighbor and I have decided to give storage auctions a try. We both have full time jobs and didn't want to risk our regular salaries on a unit. So we scrapped metal for a few weeks and have saved some start up money. We are planning on attending an auction next week.

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