What's it Worth?? / Military Surplus
« on: February 03, 2014, 09:41:07 PM »
So here's a strange one. I've got setting in front of me a Fuel compartment rebuild kit for an MK46 torpedo. (the big missile thing they fire out the side of submarines...) My first instinct is to pitch it in the trash. Likely hood of ever finding a buyer I'm guessing is near zero. How do you all deal with strange military surplus stuff?
I've also got a bunch of aircraft stuff, more than half of which I can't identify. Some of it is sealed in dessicant packs with military type numbers stencil painted on the packages.
I've also got a bunch of aircraft stuff, more than half of which I can't identify. Some of it is sealed in dessicant packs with military type numbers stencil painted on the packages.