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Messages - BigBizzz

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General Storage Auction Talk / Re: weekend auctions?
« on: December 04, 2011, 10:01:12 PM »
One of my biggest scores was a weekend night auction

^bwahahahahah that made me choke on my tounge

U would by the time next month rolls around

According to him they never touched the lockers which is surprising

Told me yesterday they give them 5000 bucks to buy lockers with. Meaning they dont even need to spend their own money:..

Yes i am fully aware i left out "the" in the title.

Otherwise i wouldnt have been able to score this locker for 25 bucks. And easily quintuple my investment.

Look if i were to take 100% of medical practices that have been in buisness for over 10 years already 80% of medical practices would be clinica medica, and low rent medical clinics so by ur logic i should take my bet with whoevers done the most procedures id likely end up in one of them whereas id perfer taking the well versed and well studied practicioner that has maybe 5 or so years under his belt but knows what the heck hes doin

Well I use to  work in a hospital and more likely than not the guys who operated the most were more experienced and had fewer lawsuits. I once saw a doc use a new technique and ended up burning a baby boys penis off, it was his 10th time doing the procedure.   

Ya true. It wouldnt change who watches it much if it were

To answer your question- what would you do in this scenario-  go to a doctor for heart surgery  who has performed 10 such operations...or go to the guy who has done it 300 times? Why? They both are experienced right?
To add to that scinereo would u go to any one that has simply just a lot of surgeries under his belt regaurdless of results or one that has a oustanding reputation but just has a smaller practice

Well ya they do care what the show is cus thats how they judge which demographic are the viewers like how many slim jim and or jeff foxworthy ads come on during ufc. Cus the kinda people that watch ufc a specific type of tv viewer, and a specifi. Demographic to target. So u may see many product during the course of the show that would appeal to the many specific characteristic that constitute who watches what

What about those that bought many units, less than 50 but been to hundreds of auctions
Over a span of several years. Simultaniously doing the back work in establishing networks and ,,contacts, collectors and buisness's. Being involved in many many discussions on tactics (that have been successful for them. Would that be more of a makings of a pro. Regaurdless of only one aspect of (# of buying units) to constiute a person being a pro

Who'd I rather...what?
Um.. er..Spend a day shoping with?

Reality Shows about Storage Auctions / Re: Storage wars facebook game
« on: November 22, 2011, 12:48:52 AM »

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