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Messages - acman

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Could have summed this up in one of 2 ways without the lwd.

1. I lost interest in doing this and move on to greenies pastures.


2. I sold out and decided to tried to get rich quick off of SW and AH.

I really think your #2 masquerading around as #1, but whateve!

Storage Auctions "In The News" / Re: Man Finds Wad of Cash in Old Suitcase
« on: November 02, 2011, 03:11:02 PM »
Why the hell would someone leave 1500 bucks in a bag? I know I got $600 in precious metals in this last unit, but it was an eviction locker and I expect things to be overlooked.

If I was the person who owned that bag, I think the last thing I'd ask myself before closing that storage door is, do I have the cash I won or made from that bag?

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: There are is couple that buys units
« on: November 01, 2011, 10:54:08 PM »
When its a hobby not a business there are no guidlines.Good luck!

As a hobby/part time business guy, let me give my opinion.  I try(really hard) to avoid every extra expense. But I have a limited budget and ways to avoid fees.

Trash, I got a solution for that
Space, well after 2 units, at the moment thats my one expense.
Truck, friends and favor until I can afford a box truck FTW!

In the begining its all about maximizing your profits.

But if you simply decide to be a cheap a$$ all the time, thats a different story.

The Treasure Chest / Re: Got a 10x30
« on: November 01, 2011, 10:45:34 PM »
Out of the 10x30 down to a 10x20, but could be down to a 10x15 or 10, but my sealed bid auction is coming up friday(a 10x15 stacked n packed) and I'll need the 10x20.  I'm getting this  auction unit, Gotz a outboard motor with my name on it!

Welcome to the Online Storage Auctions Forum / Re: Greetings from A2 MI
« on: October 31, 2011, 10:02:39 AM »
Well, if I find an autographed jersey or a wedding dress or a Michael Jackson-worn jacket or such, I'll keep those but I just don't really want to get into the clothing business. Laundering it to make sure I'm not infecting other clothes and worrying about infestations in my locker are things I don't care to deal with.
You'll change your tune when you need to break even on a locker or you find some nice clothing, I did!

Welcome to the Online Storage Auctions Forum / Re: Greetings from A2 MI
« on: October 30, 2011, 06:46:57 PM »
Some clothes are have resale value, don't throw everything out.  I keep Shoes, Jackets, Jeans, Nice print t-shirts, etc.

BTW, are you attending Blairs auctions?  He really brings in the bids and is the most visible auctioneer in Michigan.  Try less advertised auctions(Ma and Pa places and Public Storage) for better luck.

My list is:

Motorcycle, because it can be hidden by boxes and stuff and the unit could go cheap

Golds off my list cause I had a decent amount in this locker.

eBay / Re: Frustrated
« on: October 29, 2011, 08:45:43 PM »
Meh, I just use flate rate shipping whenever possible.  I do have a full time job plus this, so if I can do one thing to make my life easier, I will.

The Treasure Chest / Re: Got my first locker today!
« on: October 29, 2011, 04:36:36 PM »
Better then my first unit, still about $75 in the hole on that one after I sell the tent.  The belt drives have turned into busts(Was hoping to get my mistake back there).  Nut tractor welded dude still isn't sold.

Least you doubled or tripled your dough on your first locker.

The Treasure Chest / Re: Got a 10x30
« on: October 27, 2011, 10:46:42 AM »
Stones in rings were crap only got got scrap gold price.

eBay / Re: Anyone know anything on buyer001*? Am I screwed?
« on: October 27, 2011, 10:18:01 AM »
Let me get this straight, you're nervous over accepting a payment from a buyer with over 4300 feedbacks that are 100% positive? Shesh, there's just no pleasing some people!*

(If the link doesn't work you will have to manually add the * at the end.)

Worried because of the reshipping thing, just doesn't sit right with me. Remember that that item may not arrive in China for a month after it sold, well after any seller left a feedback.  Just covering all ends here. No one likes getting scammed and it only takes one time.

Garage Sales / Re: Yard Sale Prices
« on: October 26, 2011, 09:39:06 PM »
My daughter should be done with soccer and everything else on the weekends at the end of the month.  So I'm hoping to do our first yard sale to unload all the inventory I've gotten in the last two months.  I have a ton of cloths, books, music items (Cds, tapes, and records), VHS tapes and DVDs, and all sorts of odds and ends.  I was wondering what some of you price your stuff at?  I was thinking for myself in a town outside of a city next to a military base I'd use the following:

older paperback books - $.50
newer paperback books - $1
VHS / tapes / records - $.25
CDs - $1
DVDs - $1 - $5
baby cloths - $.50
kids cloths - $1
adult cloths (shrits) - $2
adult cloths (pants) - $4

Just some general ideas.  Figure if I can come up with a general price list it would save me time from trying to mark everything w/ a price.  Things like the furniture, weapons, and such I'd price seperate.  Figure if I make $200 I'm doing great, $400 would put me back in the black even after keeping a ton of stuff.

LOL, thats your problem right there, you keep to damn much stuff man.  Out of 3 units so far I am keeping 2 knives and a indoor glass thermometer(I'll have to take a pic and show you, it's cool but only worth $15 or so bucks).

eBay / Re: Anyone know anything on buyer001*? Am I screwed?
« on: October 26, 2011, 09:31:51 PM »
Are you talking about ebay?If so what is his feedback profile.

Yeah, he/she is on eBay.  Profile has obvious all positive feedback as a buyer only, but a google search turned up someone who sold this seller a doll then wanted a $ off the item when it got to China.  It's only $40 for me, but I'm not in this business to be fugged with.  I got a full time job to do also.  Guess I need to add new stipulations into my auctions that I will not accept bids from buyers who purchase items to immediately turn around and ship to china.  Guess this may be my learning eBay the hard way experience.

eBay / Re: Anyone know anything on buyer001*? Am I screwed?
« on: October 26, 2011, 08:18:02 PM »
BTW, to future protect myself, bidder is on block list already.

eBay / Anyone know anything on buyer001*? Am I screwed?
« on: October 26, 2011, 07:11:20 PM »
Appears to have some sort of hold company or buyer in Cali who then ships to China.  Very nervous about accepting a payment from this buyer.  No payment yet, what to do? 

Since I have never had to do this before, can simply just refuse his payment with refund of cash and go to next highest bidder, or am I screwed into allowing this buyer to purchase the item?

I am already for future notice putting this buyer on my block list, but for know what do I do, what can I do?

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