If interest in storage auctions is slowing, why would we be looking for other ways to make money? Wouldn't it be time to get back into it since there will be fewer people in attendance?
That's one way to look at it. But, I think Cobia is a pretty good example of what is happening at least right now. And I parallel his experience.
When I look at his eBay listings it's pretty easy for me to tell that the bulk of his listings are NOT from a storage locker.
My personal experience (and that of a half dozen others here) shows people pulling away from buying lockers. Maybe some of the regulars will drift back in (and out) but once someone has started a physical store with a lot of overhead they want to maximize their effort and at least in my area, the quality of the lockers doesn't provide them with enough goods to do that, so they are looking elsewhere for stock.
It may be an area by area thing too. A big metro area like Dallas/Ft. Worth, Seattle, New York, Los Angeles, etc may have better lockers, but those areas make up a very small part of 50 states full of empty land and few lockers.
Has anyone noticed how we seldom if ever hear from a lot of the plains states, some of the southern states about anything going on in the storage auction business? Maybe there just isn't much going on there.