Storage Auctions

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Messages - AlabamaDude

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@ MovieMan In your experience, do you see more auctions toward the end of the month, or at the beginning?

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: First Storage Auction..........
« on: July 17, 2011, 04:43:31 PM »
I actually co-sign to the original post on this topic, asking the question: have the shows distorted the value of lockers? I went to my very first auction yesterday in the deep country at a mini-storage. 50 people or so (as expected) with about 4-5 people bidding. No crazy bids on lockers that contained your everyday auto parts for scrap, out-dated furniture, tote boxes full of VHS tapes, etc. First bid on a trashy 5x5 locker, the auctioneer (the owner) had to coax a bid out of a very silent group of bidders and bystanders. Locker went for $40.

One crazy thing of note: upon arrival ( I was the 6th one to shop up, half hour early), all of the locks had been cut off, and folks were allowed to go inside of each unit and start touching boxes, all sorts of stuff. There was one unit that a lady bought (had a couple of mirrors, wheelchairs, and 2 dressers) BEFORE the auction even started! Kinda weird, but I guess that anything goes at privately-owned facilities during auction time.

Hey Copiavita. At this point, I have an open mind about the region. Not sure if I will travel to Birmingham as often as I hope but I'll settle for all points in between. The same with Huntsville. I'm just going to be doing the lookie loo sort of deal first, and then sort of develop a comfort zone with the buyers, auctioneers, etc while hopefully being accepted as a regular in time. We'll see.

Alright Glendon, the cats out of the bag. You can quit pretending to be from Alabama. Nice try though. LOL ::)

Hahaha, sure thing Mr. Hester.

New to Storage Auctions? / Re: got a unit for $10.00
« on: July 14, 2011, 09:16:26 PM »
Oh, ok. TY Drew. Do people REALLY store trash in their lockers nowadays? Or do you think that its a result of cleaning out the valuables prior to auction and leaving the locker in a trashy condition?

New to Storage Auctions? / Re: Previewing Storage Facilities
« on: July 14, 2011, 08:51:57 PM »
Oh, I fully intend on staring into the lockers and making a decision on what is truly "the good, the bad, and the fugly." I just like to be mentally prepared on other possibilities. I may be a passive bidder or even an observer at my first auction this Saturday, but I may also may make a bid should the opportunity present itself. In many things I've been successful at, opportunity comes sometimes through simple preparation. Or in short, "making my own luck."

New to Storage Auctions? / Re: got a unit for $10.00
« on: July 14, 2011, 08:38:20 PM »
Just curious but do you ever see any lockers going for $1 after a bid? Have to assume that its a really, really awful looking and very rancid smelling locker. Thoughts? ???

Typos, Ebonics, Hillbilly english, what's the difference? Someone can speak and write in a dialect from another country but as long as I understand the general concept and meaning of the individual's message, that's all that matters to me. 

Frankly, I'm very grateful that some of the subject matter regarding the industry supplements my knowledge and general curiosity.

Other Forms of Selling /
« on: July 14, 2011, 04:01:54 PM »
Before I really used Craigslist for sales, I was able to sell some garage items through Very comparable to CL yet not certain of its internet traffic + audience concentration. Not a bad alternative, depending on your regional market.

New to Storage Auctions? / Previewing Storage Facilities
« on: July 14, 2011, 03:47:22 PM »
When I was in the real estate business some years back, I would preview properties on both the buyer and seller's side in order to see some of the selling features and benefits. It actually made a difference in my sales.

Today, I used a similar approach while on an extended lunch break, yet with storage facilities. There is an auction coming up this Saturday in a very rural area, and I previously didn't know what to expect as far as location, parking etc. This auction, of course, will be my very first. Upon discovery, I noticed that this facility is a small, outdoor mini-storage facility with quite a bit of 5x5, 10x5, 10x10s, and even a few separate 10x20 units that could probably fit small cars and such.

My expectations are such that I plan to really observe the buyers, yet if an opportunity exists where a less-desirable unit that is housed in a small area may come available, I may make an affordable bid. I pretty much expect some household items such as mildewed beds, boxes of dishes, maybe some appliances but you just never know. Since its on a Saturday morning, I'm sure there may be around 20-50 people.

If given the time, does anyone preview storage facilities to get an idea of what may be in store at auction, or is this just a waste of time?

Hiya Movieman! I paid $29.99 for the 2011 Silver Edition. The same book in hardcover is between $42-45 on Amazon and other places. I read the first 100 pages or so in an evening and the remaining 100 + the following day. A very good read and quite entertaining. He had some typos but you have to get past that in order to grasp the key concepts, I think.

I ordered Glendon's e-book on "Storage Auctions, A-Z" and found it to be quite insightful. The business plan section was very helpful. Basic guidelines and very easy to understand. Either way, Mr. Cameron's experience as well as the others in this forum definitely supplements my knowledge base on a very insular industry, in my opinion.

Good afternoon everyone from sunny and very hot and humid Northern Alabama! Hope that all is well with each and everyone of you. Being a noobie to both the industry and this forum, I look forward in learning from each of you.

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