I bought 10 units my first month, so that is some bull! if you are too scared to take the risk, just man up and say so, scared money never money. Tip, you are never going to become good if you don't buy more than a few units a month.
10 units! WOW are you serious man? Oh man you are the master!!!!! I never could imagine doing that.......... here is a hint for you newbie. It's called not buying a unit for the sake of buying a unit. I go to 4/5 auctions a week and see 12-25 units. I bid on several. but I don't buy a unit just to get one. I unlike you actually have a life off the internet. I don't spend a crap ton of money to to brag on the message boards about buying a bunch of units.
See I have done exactly what I wanted to, I proved that your really not who you claim, and if you were who you claimed, you wouldn't bother checking this board every 15 minutes to see what has been said about you.
You are just some lowlife with the internet and nothing else to do.