Storage Auctions

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Messages - craiglstauction

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General Storage Auction Talk / Re: Keep it or sell it?
« on: November 20, 2012, 07:22:55 AM »
Since I do this as a hobby I find in some units I end up keeping more then I sell.  For the right price I will sell anything I find in a unit.  In general however, my wife gets first pick on things.  While this has added more clutter to our house, it has also kept her happy.  She loves some of the crystal figurines and other things of that nature.  While she would never buy them in a store, keeping them from a unit is ok.  My girls have kept every gaming system that we have found.  If they work the first one they keep.  Then any others we find can be sold.  If they don't work they get torn apart and scrapped.  I myself have kept a few comic books and baseball cards for my collection.  Most everythying else has always gone to be sold, given to friends, or goodwill.  Have kept a few bookcases and other things to hold all the nick-nacks from above.

One thing I do now is if find a movie I like in a unit we will watch it and then sell or trade it in.  If it's a blueray then it goes into my collection and the dvd gets sold.

I myself am all over the board.  Some units I work hard to turn and burn as I have purchased a number of units all at the same time and have limited room for storage.  Others, if buying is slow I will take my time to sell.  A few units, like my payphone unit, I am taking my time on.

I have the following sliding scale:

1) Lots units, low storage - small or very unique items == keep
2) Lots units, low storage - same household dishes, etc. == 1 - 2 trys sell, then goodwill
3) Few units, low storage - same household dishes, etc. == 2 - 3 trys sell, then goodwill
4) Few units, lots storage == keep most everything of value to try and sell till hit #2 or #3

I am learning what to keep even in the household items for specific customers.  I sell more and more at my buddies store and not at the flea.  Have learned things that I would not sell at the flea can do well at his store and vice versa.

Well at least I will not have to worry about meetings that day and all of the projects that they have slated to start in January ;)

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Auction Scene #11...November, 2012
« on: November 20, 2012, 07:02:38 AM »
Ya - getting in good with the manager(s) has saved me some time and gas money.  There was 1 unit in my local town up for auction this month.  Talked with the site manager as I also have a unit there for overflow.  He told me the unit was crap.  They came in and just tossed everything in, along with food.  So the unit stinks, has ants/roaches, etc.  He is just glad he can have the city clean it out when it don't sell.  Also told me about a car that is in one unit that should come up in January.  They are in court now getting permission to sell the car.

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: Cost of units in your area?
« on: November 19, 2012, 08:49:22 AM »
Prices in my area are all over the place.  I picked up a small 10x10 with a love seat, chair w/ ottoman, 2 boxes of cloths/quilts, and 3 other smaller boxes for $50.  A unit like it the week before went for $125.  I bid on a 10x20 that was 1/2 full of boxes and the like on one side up to $180 and quit.  If I wasn't working to clean out old inventory and re-organize I'd of gone up to $250 on the unit.  Was worth it IMO.

Furniture units go for 200 - 600 depending on size.  The caravan we had the other week saw 3 $800+ units.  Some of that is newbies, but many of the buyers of late are regulars.

In my area the yard sales are pretty much over due to dark and cold weather.  All of the thrift stores are working to either keep a steady supply of inventory or working to stock up for feb and income tax time.  You normally have a decline in sales in Dec due to people buying new stuff for xmas.

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Auction Scene #11...November, 2012
« on: November 18, 2012, 05:44:02 PM »
We have a older couple in 50s / 60s maybe that have been buying like mad.  No clue how they get things cleaned out on time or what they do with all the stuff.  One of the ladies asked and they just like "buying".  Will see how long they last.

One of the main units I stay away from is those filled with "tires".  We had a dozen auto shop type units come up for auction few months back.  Even the units with 90% tires in them sold for over $1k.  I know there can be money in used tires but for me I was just seeing all of the disposal fees.

Now for the flip side.  I purchased a pay phone parts & sets unit last year.  I was thinking some major bucks as parts on ebay sell pretty well.  Turned out to be parts that were a little too old to sell.  I paid $101 for the unit.  Sold a box of the boards as mid-grade comm for right at $100.  Then did another shippment of the boards that was $80 profit.  Have a bunch of steel from stripping the boards to turn in to metal.  Also have 8 more boxes of parts to dismantle.  I've found almost a pound of copper wire in one of the parts.  With a box full of them.  The plastic gets tossed in recycle.  The rest split into non-ferrous and ferrous metals.  Many people ran at the weight, very niche market of the unit.  I would bid on it again if ever see a unit like it.  Is taking time and effort but since I have the space and this is a hobby....I can spend the time.

Other recent purchase from last month was a unit that had 20-30 paint cans up front.  I picked the uinit up for $40.  People don't know how to get rid of the paint and thus ran from the unit.  Half of the cans were empty, the others about 30% have good paint in them.  The rest I will mix with cat litter and dispose of.  Little work and the rest of the unit will pay off nicely.

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Auction Scene #11...November, 2012
« on: November 13, 2012, 03:56:57 PM »
Thursday was a bust for me.  For a change we had a good number of units.  We also had a good size crowd with a number of "newbies".  Bid on a few units but wasn't in an agressive mood so lost.

Friday was U-haul.  First location only had 1 unit that went for $25 as there was only 1 person there.  Talk about luck.  Downtown had 12 units for the day which is a large number for them.  Some decent units also for a change.  I was able to slide in a picked up a small unit with a love seat, chair w/ ottoman, and some misc items for $50.  That was one of the cheaper units of the day.


Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Auction Scene #11...November, 2012
« on: November 07, 2012, 07:46:39 PM »
Well I actually get Thursday off so can hit the 7 facility auction.  There is also a seperate place at 5 that I've never see do an auction.  They have 3 units in the paper.  May or may not make that one due to family obligations.  Hope to see and buy some good units in the morning.

Storage Auctions "In The News" / Re: Announcement
« on: November 01, 2012, 07:39:23 PM »
Well gratz tclane on your aquasition.  I will however be pestamistic.  I don't know how many forums I've been on that were good or what I really like that got sold and then went south.  Of course in those cases the site owners built up the sites just so they could sell them.

Good luck in this new adventure.

Well I know for myself, I've gotten busy with work and just not had as much "free time".  Plus, instead of buying at auctions I was picking yard sales.  Would buy a unit here and there but wasn't as aggresive.  Now that yard sales are drying up I see more of the regulars going for units once again.

I'm one of those guilty of posting a general auction suck, crowd large, yada yada.  Guess I try to give a quick overview so people can keep up with the trend from auction to auction.

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Auction Scene #10...October, 2012
« on: November 01, 2012, 07:15:23 AM »
Monday was my 3 facility late in the day auction that I've done well at.  My daughter loves this place as they let her bid.  8 units at first, 8 at second, 5 at last place of the day.  Most of the units were low to ok.  Only one unit had any major value to it.  Crowd was 20+ bidders, compared to other auctions.  Many of the old timers, regulars, and a bunch of newbies.  This place draws them in many times.  I suspect it's due to the 4pm start time instead of 10am.

I bid on a few units, daughter bid on 2, and we ended up with 1.  Paid $40 for a 10x10 that had 6 large paint buckets and another dozen or so paint cans showing.  Sign in the corner said "professional painters", one of the advertisement signs you put in a yard when you are working.  I saw a shop vac, hose for a paint sprayer, vac, carpet cleaning vac, a toolbox, a eddie bauer bag, and a few totes/random boxes.  So I figured I'd go up to $40 on a gamble and see.

Well the eddie bauer is a 6 person canopy tent w/ screen front porch.  Looks to be all there in a trash bag and poles, ground cover in the eddie bag.  Most of the paint cans are empty so easy to dispose of.  The filled ones I'll try and sell or will mix with litter and dump.  No compressor or paint sprayer like I hoped.  Did find one of those large mix-fuel heaters for your shop.  A few random tools, gas cans, etc.  Wife is keeping a few crystal pieces that I found.  Overall I'll at least break even if not make some cash.  Depends on the shop vac, normal vac, and carpet cleaner vac working or not.

Picker's Paradise / Re: Yard Sale Picking Has Been Good
« on: October 19, 2012, 08:12:00 AM »
That is some great finds there - Gratz.

Yard sales are slowing down in my area.  Starting to get cool and dark in the morning so people are sleeping in more.  Over the past few months I've found things I've flipped but nothing really great.

Not sure about other people but I have a general results like this.  Out of 5 sales I hit, 1 is a person asking just under, at, or over retail for their items.  They are just in love with the stuff and don't want to part with them.  Another spot will have the "ebay know it all", that ask for ebay prices...even if those are not completed sales.  I've grown tired of the "It's worth $40 on ebay"....then try and sell it there.  The other two have good personal prices but not for re-sale.  Then you get that 1 sale that just wants the stuff gone.  Those if you hit them first thing in the morning or late in the day can be money makers.

The Treasure Chest / Re: Making money on books
« on: October 19, 2012, 07:59:15 AM »
I've made I think $50 off a book I put up on and a few bucks more on another "specialty" book that I almost tossed.  Like Movieman I have a bunch of the mass produced books that don't sell.  Any that are torn, worn looking, etc. I'm just tossing.  The others are in bin to be taken to second-n-charles one of these days for store credit.

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Auction Scene #10...October, 2012
« on: October 19, 2012, 07:52:08 AM »
Well I have been busy with work and am not getting to hit the auctions like I use to.  New boss, new work, all that.

Anyways - I've made it to 2 auctions so far this month.  U-haul was a week late as they canceled the normal auction date.  Result was even more people paid up so only 2 units.  Nothing great, crowd about normal with a number of "newer" people.

Yesterday found me at one of the places that only has a auction once a quarter.  They had 64 units listed in the paper...was down to 21 by time of the auction.  Also, the place is under new management.  This guy changed it to a silent auction.  On top of that, 7 of the units had min bids and another one was a bid/hold for 5 days.  Crowd was pretty large - a good 25 - 30 people.  Many of the regulars and new 3-6mo newbies.

Now the min bids were nuts.  First was $40, maybe a $50 unit -- I passed was mostly junk.  The second was a $200 min.  It had some furniture in it, but to me was a marginal $200 unit.  Many others said the same.  One of the only nice units had even more furniture that wasn't busted up, leather couch, etc. and wasn't a min on it.  He also had a min bid of $40 on a unit with 5 kids bikes and a bunch of trash.  Now bikes I can sell for 10-20 each but it's getting to be the wrong time of year for that.

All in all was a nice day to look at some units but a general waste of time.  5 auctions next week but I can't make any of them.  My next auction is on the 29th.

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