Storage Auctions

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Messages - acman

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Awwwwwwwww snap, a vending machine,  someone better go tell Dave Hester about this auction, I hear he loves vending machines. Lol

today i hesitated to bid on a unit that very well could have been the jackpot all cus there where 2 mattresses and this auction was quite a ways away from my house, there was a trek mountain bike that i know retails for about 700 an army bag that clearly said 1912 and very sturdy pastic bins with straps this was indoors and it went for 200 it was a steal but i hesitated cus of the mattresses.

so the question is , has anyone else hesitated as they where fairly new to the scene?
Yup, been there and done that. Moved on from worrying about it. Do this long enough and you'll enjoy the other pleasure of missing a locker because you didn't have enough cash on you, which sucks even more then scenario 1 because it's usually a locker you want baddddddd!

Since every locker owners usually has at least 4 or 5 things from Wal-Mart, ima go ahead and say shop where the locker owners shop and get a sneak peak on future locker deadbeats.

The Treasure Chest / Re: Got a 10x30
« on: October 19, 2011, 03:33:32 PM »
The way new video game consoles come out like every year or so, the "old" becomes obosolete in the minds of the owners/kids so those get stored and the "latest version" is kept.

For instance, got a unit the other day, PS2 console, PS2 games (mostly scratched up), new PS3 remote control, a couple of PS3 games, NO PS3 console. So it looks like they stored the "old" PS2 and kept the PS3, except they accidently? left the remote for the PS3 in the unit.

I don't know why anyone would ever store a video game system though.  For the most part they are small enough to keep around. Hell I have no time to play my crap but I still have my PS2, N64, NES and 360 hooked up to my TV. 

Next point. I swear some people will buy anything. Sold 3 beds yesterday that were mehhhh for $40.  Got rid of the ****ty headboards but had to sell the frames with it. Then dude sees the $40(if brand new) dirt devil vacuum buys it for $8. Best part is I never tested the thing to see if it worked.  His buddy is interested in the broken rear projection tv, and for more then I'd get from scrap metal. Also wants a bunch of my dressers and he's willing to pay my asking price. This locker is so full of win.

The Treasure Chest / Re: Got a 10x30
« on: October 17, 2011, 07:00:41 PM »
Another locker with a PS2, really!  How many people are storing ps2's?

Found some xbox 360 hdd's and a hdmi hook up today. Lots of kids and board games. All boxes down unless I missed one. Still got garbage galore but hopefully it's only one more load.

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: A trend? Pre-cut locks...
« on: October 16, 2011, 07:36:57 PM »
You have to realize that the storage company wants the locker empty, the auctioneer wants his cut of money. 

Given that, do you know just how much trouble they can be in if they get caught doing this?  The state would likely pull his auctioneer license.  The state would also shut down the storage facility if they got caught rummaging through someones locker.  Even though there is rent owed, that doesn't give them carte blanche access to take what they want.  Thats the point of the auction.

I would prefer they cut the locks, it speeds things up and if folks bidding think that the locker doesn't have anything good because of a cut lock, then Im fine with that.  I'll just get it for cheaper.


Plus as others on here have said before, imagine if the auctioneer or storage facility rummages threw the unit and say takes a watch or ring or something of value and then the owners pays up right before auction, can you say lawsuit!

The Treasure Chest / Re: Got a 10x30
« on: October 15, 2011, 05:44:41 PM »

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: How to handle...........
« on: October 14, 2011, 12:46:54 PM »
Decide ahead ahead a time the max you will pay and don't go over that.You don't want to get into a pissing contest.Nothing more fun when someone tries to run up the price and gets stuck with a locker they don't want.

Your made me chuckle. I can't help but hear Barry Weiss in my head when I hear the word pissing contest.  I'm referring to the Darrell, Jarrod and Dave bid war on the unit that had those gems in them.   At the end Barry says to Don the pissing contest is officially over.

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: How to handle...........
« on: October 14, 2011, 07:11:03 AM »
I don't know if it's just my area or the people I run into, but I say the split is 50/50. 50% nice people and 50% jackasses. I'm thinking it's due to the economy in Michigan but I could be very wrong.

The "Funky Prices" were due to it being a silent auction...LOL.

I got lucky on the one I got for $321......second bid was $318!  I won it by $3!

Lost one last month on a sealed bid by $1.

The Treasure Chest / Re: Got a 10x30
« on: October 13, 2011, 11:36:05 PM »
Scores continue.  Found some shot drinking games, a Nintendo DSI and DS, A guitar, radio, Elgin Pocket Watch(not working), Silver, 14K gold, some cash(I count Canadian because it's Michigan's neighbor EH)!

Still have 20 or so boxes to go through.

But yeah real winner here!

The Treasure Chest / Re: Got a 10x30
« on: October 12, 2011, 05:12:09 PM »
So, I've broken into the nasty portion of the locker.  I crock with maggit infested caramel or chocolate(who the hell knows) crock pot thing that I said f that and just threw away the whole thing, a deep fryer with year old grease still in it.  Still have boxes to go through and I am downsizing from the 10x30 to a 10x20 to sell out the stuff.

Getting a 10x30 has given me new respect for doing this and has made me consider that a truck or a trailer is a must for doing this.

The Treasure Chest / Re: Got a 10x30
« on: October 08, 2011, 09:54:02 PM »
Story problem time folk. if. Gaylene has X amount of stuff and Irene has Y amount of stuff and Irenes children have z amount of stuff, how much stuff did they store?

Enough **** that if I met them I'd tell them they need to throw away **** that is ****. Dude has like 10 years of earning statements he never threw away. I'll get pictures soon, but going through units alone make the task twice as long, but twice as fun.

The Treasure Chest / Re: Got a 10x30
« on: October 08, 2011, 02:59:13 AM »
Congrats!I pitty the fool!
I don't, he left some good ****.

The Treasure Chest / Re: Got a 10x30
« on: October 07, 2011, 09:35:00 PM »
You can aim higher than that....look at this one.

I'd say yeah but the plastic is broke under BA's feet and the top left plastic corner the plastic has been seperated from the cardboard.

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