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Messages - acman

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The Treasure Chest / Re: Got a 10x30
« on: October 07, 2011, 09:04:37 PM »
But Woolworth says it's for sale at $5.76  ;D

May I present Mr. T

In it's condition I hope to fetch $25, but to me it's a major score for a small piece!

The Treasure Chest / Re: Got a 10x30
« on: October 07, 2011, 07:38:16 PM »
Not to mention the vintage exercise/belt machine !

Congrats on the win !

Naaaa, that belt was in another unit I lost by $50. Belt was in bad condition and fishing poles were just as bad.  Did score on a Mr. T action figure from 1983. I'll post pics of that tonight

The Treasure Chest / Got a 10x30
« on: October 07, 2011, 07:18:50 PM »
Got the 10x30 I showed everyone the other day. In the dressers so far I've doing stamps, ball cards, and coin proof sets, a AT&T wireless modem thumbdrive, a meggelan, a few watches, and have only scratched the surface.

Well judging by the amount of mattresses in the 10x30 unit, this one appears to be an eviction storage.  Only going by pics my dad took, I'll get an actual look before bidding at 3:30.

The 10x10 doesn't look as promising as I thought, but I guess I'll get a better look in about an hour.

I swear some people are just as stupid about asking for their personal items back as they are about getting behind on payments. 3 or 4 weeks after someone lost a unit, they were asking for photos and trophies back. If that person really wanted those back you gotta make a CL post the day you lose your unit or before(if you know you can't pay up) you lose it.  Even then don't expect anything back. Next unit I get at my sealed bid auction I will attempt to locate the owner if I find photos and such but I am not going to hold onto someones trash longer then I must.

What exactly in the legal notices do you find the auctions? I've looked in the Kitsap Sun under Notice of Trustees and this seems to be the closest bet. I haven't gone to my first auction yet but we're a military family and there are TONS of independent storage facilities in these military towns. Should I just call up the facilities one by one and ask them?

Gotta be creative and do everything.  Call, drive to the places, check the web and check all local newspaper under legal notices or auctions.

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Jackpot ! Jackpot in the Safe ?
« on: October 05, 2011, 02:46:43 PM »
Any more updates on this unit or the fmr owner?

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Stupid people piss me off
« on: October 05, 2011, 01:47:20 AM »
Congrats man, it's not even half of retail(no one ever gets retail on med equipment though) but it is a major win.

Well dont bid on that assumption but u can look forwzrd to finding out if u win it

Well, I hope to be able to tell you by Friday what the dressers hold!

Ahh i see.
But naw ive found jewelry and coins in those before personally.

That's what I have been mulling over. I have always thought that everyone has that one junk drawer and I have kept valuables in junk drawers before, so I am hoping the previous owner was a lazy creature of habit that had that one junk drawer.  Not that I am expecting that though.

I rock a 2000 Volvo S80 when I don't have bigs, and have friends with trucks when I need one, until I pick up a truck or huge van.

Thanks movieman!

Yeah I'm talking about that thing with the belt hanging from it. Looking for a name of the product so I can research it. I'd love to know what it is worth

Dressers, Dressers and Dressers oh my!  I count 7. LOL

If anyone can tell me what the hell that things on the right is, I'm all ears.  First one to tell me gets a prize from the unit if I win it!

General Storage Auction Talk / Placing a value on the unseen on 10x30's
« on: October 03, 2011, 08:05:36 AM »
I have a sealed bid coming up on Friday again(same place where I won my first unit), and I am wondering how to bid a 10x30 pack decently with lots of dressers, I am wondering how much of the x factor $ mark to place on the unit for things not seen. I can share the picture but I don't want to be that guy that always asks about sealed bid units.

If I lose the 10x30 it's cool though, as there is a stuffed 10x10 with fishing poles and this really old sweet 50's back rubbing device. Again I'll post a pic if you want to see it, it's one of those really cool fins.

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