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Messages - MovieMan

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The Lounge / 25 Worst Passwords of 2013
« on: January 21, 2014, 09:54:21 AM »
SplashData, which makes password management applications, has released its 2013 list of the 25 worst passwords based on files containing millions of stolen passwords posted online in the last year. “123456″ now tops “password,” which normally leads the round-up.
Here’s the full list:
“123456″ and “123456789″ were a couple of the most popular passwords believed to belong to Adobe users, according to a list published by security consulting firm Stricture Consulting Group in Nov. 2013 after Adobe confirmed a customer data breach a month earlier. That would also explain why “adobe123″ is at number 10 and “photoshop” is at number 15 on SplashData’s 2013 list.

Read more: Worst Passwords Top 25 of 2013 | newsfeed(dot)time(dot)com/2014/01/20/the-25-worst-passwords-of-2013/#ixzz2r35gCQDg

I didn't think you would ever sell out, but apparently everyone has their price.  Wait a minute! MovieMan would never sell out that bad. Apparently Storage Treasures has hacked his forum account.  :D

All kidding aside, I'm sure it will be a giant flop like the rest of the site. A jack of all trades and a master of none.

Don't shoot the messenger; he is only guilty of reporting the facts.

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: My find of the day.
« on: January 20, 2014, 07:55:59 PM »

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: My find of the day.
« on: January 20, 2014, 07:46:38 PM »
It might be a seller, but I got to thinking. I wonder how many books (old or newer) are published which never see much action (then or now).

Check out this link which talks about books being for sale in dollar stores and at Amazon.

I've found  few books from the late 1800's and now and again someone asks me bout an "old book" they have.

I looked one of them up...was selling on eBay for $7.  Lots of variables in book prices I would guess and age isn't probably the best of them.

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: First Silent auction tomorrow
« on: January 20, 2014, 03:13:40 PM »
I'll keep you guys updated if you care.

We care !  News from newbies (especially success stories) are what keep us going !  ;D

Bad news is good too because it shows folks what NOT to do.

Picker's Paradise / Pickers' Sources...order of precedence
« on: January 20, 2014, 01:07:33 PM »
Pickers have to use a variety of sources for their goods. Here's my order of precedence...the sources that get me the most goods.

1) Flea Markets
2) Estate Sales
3) Piece by Piece Auctions
4) Yard/garage sales
5) Auction "houses"

HGP said in another thread that he had given up on estate sales because of the pricing in his area.

What sources do you use (in what order) and how do prices relate to your buying or not buying at any venue?

Picker's Paradise / Missed a great pick.....AAARRRGH !
« on: January 18, 2014, 04:56:53 PM »
I know there's nothing that can really prevent this, but it's aggravating none-the-less.

I went to an estate sale at a ranch/farm the other day and I have done great at those.

I always make a beeline for the garages, shed, barns first to look for certain tools then I go to the house.

So, I looked in those places, found a few things worth checking out and then went into the house.

The minute I clear the living room a woman walks out of the "office" carrying a boxed laptop (an Acer). She clearly was going to buy it so I asked them what price they had on it. "Forty dollars."  She couldn't believe it either.

I walked through all the rooms and came back to the living room where she was sitting looking at it some more.
I started looking something up on my iPad and we started to talk. She had found it in the office, plugged in and running. She said she worked on it for awhile and then boxed it up.  I told her I would give her $60 for it right then, but she wanted to give it to her 10 year old grand-daughter !

While we were talking one of the estate sales people came up and said the only thing that was wrong with it was that after 24 hours of them charging it, it didn't hold a charge. That wasn't a biggie to her or to me.

So, my garage route lost me the laptop, but that's the way it goes. It was very surprising the couple had a laptop as their TV was a 12 year old projection type, vhs machine and tapes (no dvds). I would guess it was a present from the kids or something.

Maybe next time.

Suggestion Center / Re: A Blast From The Past
« on: January 18, 2014, 03:03:03 PM »
Calm down, take a few breaths and count to 10. We're just giving you a hard time.   ;)

That's what she and her friend said.

Picker's Paradise / Travel Trailer Worth $6K to $10K bought for $200
« on: January 18, 2014, 08:48:46 AM »
This sounds like a deal you might see on a TV show, but it really happened in my area and to a fellow auction buyer.

The sale was held at a storage facility but it was advertised as a lien sale since it was a camping trailer. I personally am not interested in these, but I would have bought this one had I been there.


He goes to the auction and only one other person is there and it's a fellow we both know. Auctioneer is not a's the facility manager.  He opens the bidding at $500. No takers. Second buyer bids $25. My friend offers $100 and it goes from there in $25 increments until my friend gets it for $200.

Trailer is a 2005 (if I remember correctly) Fleetwood Wilderness (I might be wrong on the Wilderness part) that is in BEAUTIFUL shape.  I went by my freinds house and saw it inside and out. Big bed up front, two bunks in back, bathtub with shower, etc, etc. Has a full length (16' to 20') rollout canopy.  Driver's side top edge has a 3 foot by 2" scrape but easily fixed or leave as is.

My friend says these are on trailer lots for $10K so he's confident he can get $6K or so. There were $168 in back fees owned, BUT inside he found six sections of pipe with the price scan tags from Lowe's.  He took them in and they gave him $90 credit !

What a deal!  I told him it was a good thing I wasn't there as I definitely would have bid on it given its conditon and the bid levels.  He said he had taken $2,000 with him ...he only needed 1/10 of that's what I call a deal.

No, it's not putting all your crap in a locker and selling the whole thing.

It's more like eBay with more fees.

To really see all the examples of how this works you need to register with their site.
There is no charge to register but they will probably spam your inbox.

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: First Silent auction tomorrow
« on: January 16, 2014, 07:46:48 PM »
Struck out on 8 lockers.  Pretty much all the lockers were decent to my untrained eye.  The one unit i really wanted I got beat by 5 dollars. I do feel I learned a lot today though.  Over all it was not a waste of a day. Looking forward to the small auction in my hometown Saturday.

Too bad you missed out on the locker you wanted, but don't let the fact you missed it by only 5 dollars bother you.
There's no REAL way you can tell what to bid...look at this way...the other guy was right in line with what you thought it was worth !  (good job !)


When you go to an auction Saturday be sure to let us know what it was like. We're desperate for entertainment here !  ;D

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Strange Locker Sale
« on: January 16, 2014, 04:42:28 PM »
For the life of me I cannot understand why anyone would bid the first day. Just wait until the second day and let all of the auctions start at zero.

Well, the thing was that the 2nd day auction was going to start one increment up from the previous day. Had NO ONE bid on any given locker then it would have been ok, but every locker got a first day bid...and every locker went up on the 2nd day. The new people who weren't there day 1 were the ones (for the most part) who bid higher than the previous day's winning bid.

I do see your point though. My plan (since they weren't that great for what I wanted to spend) was to at least see them on day one and I think I'll be able to buy a few pieces from one of the lockers anyway.

Stories about Storage Auctions / Strange Locker Sale
« on: January 16, 2014, 03:40:19 PM »
I recently went to an auction where something happened that I hadn't seen in 10 years of attendance.

The auctioneer's web site said the auction was day "x".
The newspaper legal notice had in down for day "y", one day later.

Apparently the facility had made the mistake.

Anyway, we had followed the auctioneer throughout the day (some buyers from quite a distance away) and
he decided to sell the lockers on "contingency". Normally that is done so the former renter can be given one last
opportunity to bail out the locker sale.

The understanding was that the money from day "x" sale would be collected that day, but when the buyer's came back the next day (along with new buyers who were going by the legal notice and possible tenant owners) then the auction would resume at one step up from the last bid.

So, if one had purchased the locker for $150, it would start at $160 the next day.  Got it?


Skip forward to the next day. Not as many buyers, but everyone who bought one the day before showed up hoping for the best. There were 6 lockers. Here's the rundown on the three I remember.

Buyer "a" got a locker the first day for $60. On the second day he was run up and finished buying it at $100. He should have quit when the other guy said $65. It wasn't worth $100.

Buyer "a" got a 2nd locker the first day for $170. On the second day I told him I wouldn't bid against him if he would be willing to sell me some items from the locker. He agreed.  Buyer "b" (a new second day bidder) took him up and he got the locker "again" but this time for $250 !  Yikes !  I am looking at a few things with him and he'll be happy to take what I offer I think.

Buyer "c" (a first day buyer) got a 10 x 30 for $1,500 and it had good quality stuff.  Second day comes around and  buyer "d" (who had been there on day 1) takes the locker up to $2,100 AND GETS IT !


There is one more twist. In October, 2013 buyer "d" had bought a 10 x 10 that was owned by the same tenant as the one he paid $2,100 for several months later. The two lockers didn't come up on the same auction date due to a MANAGEMENT error !

So, buyer "d" really needed the $2,100 locker to get the six dining chairs (big ones) and the dining table leaf that were in the new big locker, otherwise the table from the 10 x 10 of October wouldn't do him much good.


It was a mess and I'm not sure it was handled as well as it could have been, but oh well.

Sorry for the long post, but a complicated situation needs a lot of background and explanation.

PayPal / Re: Why is PayPal so slow?
« on: January 15, 2014, 10:22:54 PM »

Anyone else get frustrated with how slow PayPal is?


General Storage Auction Talk / Re: First Silent auction tomorrow
« on: January 15, 2014, 05:29:00 PM »
Until you have a good idea about what some of the regular buyers might bid on it, you are in dangerous territory.

If you value the sales potential at $600 you would be safe bidding $400 but it might not pan out the way you think if you get it.

If the other's see it the same way and they are happy with only $100 profit then they might bid $500.

On the other hand if they are all cheapskates and only bid $150 to $250, then you might get it at $400.


Until you know what the competition will do you could always bid lower, but chances are you will be beat by someone.
When bidding, put down an odd number like $399.00 or $401.00. Most people will bid more even numbers like $400, $410 or $415. Most places won't allow bids like $401.76.

I have lost several of these bids by $1.00. It happens and there's no way around it.

Good luck and try to keep good notes on what happens and share it with us.

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