« on: February 04, 2014, 02:04:01 PM »
Since I'm the one that reported it, I can share a story..
When I owned my pet food store, some manufacturers of food had MAP pricing, which stands for "Minimum Advertised Price", if you were caught selling below the MAP price you will not receive anymore of their product. So when trying to compete I sold everything at MAP pricing, and some food stores offered it below MAP and were doing so with Adwords campaign.
I called the manufacturer, I told them and they said they don't see the violations, I took screen shots and they told me that they don't see the violation when they search on Google.
Turns out when they were running their Adwords campaign, you can target where you want to display you ads, they targeted all locations, minus where the manufacturer was located, so they never seen the violations.
This can explain why other users see them and you don't.