You have not spent one second looking at who is behind ST. Sure there are ties to the show, however the owners of the site are the top storage operators in the country and the top lien law attorneys in the storage industry. ST has not sensationalized anything and is still in its early development. The main goal of the site is to make an equal playing field for all.
If you are a true auction hunter you know how the industry works, or more accurately does not work regarding storage auctions. We will have systems in place soon to maximize accuracy, however you are well aware that sometimes just getting a storage facility to answer a phone is challenging, much less update auction hunters.
The site will continue to get better and there are many new tools and resources close to release.
We will continue to work hard for the Auction Hunters, Auctioneers, Storage Facilities and the Tenant who in in lien. We work to protect all.
Lance Watkins
I haven't? Funny enough I believe Don Dotson is one of the creators of the website, so no I haven't done my homework at all. I also find it funny enough that a lot of the top auctioneers seem to be staging the units, this has been told to me by people who have been in the auction scene longer than me and not just in my area. Probably isn't it odd that I hear about it's mostly the top auctioneers sites around. Yeah that's $3000 bid we'll get yeah a nice commission. The only playing field you're leveling is padding your auctioneers commission. your emails from your site telling people what they might find one In every 100 lockers is pretty funny, but also rather pathetic. maybe one of these days you could tell people what this is really like that it's hard work and that you're not always going to find great stuff. Let me see an email like that.