Auction today. Well crossing my fingers did not work.
Two facility caravan. Oh and our three day 14 facility caravan cancelled this month. So expected more people at the auctions still going on but good grief.
Over 100 people 10 regulars 2 units.
10x10 1/4 full kids toys, riding worm some bags of clothes
$30. We went to $20, Was not worth $40 (and that was what the auctioneer wanted.)
5 x 10 6 metal dinning room chairs table, small sitting chair, 2 tail lights (think to a Honda) a basket with a breather for something.
$23.23 we bought it.
Next stop 2 lockers more people
5 x 5 1/4 full looked like business papers in boxes, paper shredder.
$310 One of the whales
20 x 20 Van, truck with roof cut off, second level of storage built in, fibreglass finders for cars, a ton of stuff.
$510. One of the Whales
So even with the crowd prices were not bad. May be they are getting smarter.
Or what came up nobody wanted except for the regulars.