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Messages - the teacher

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The Lounge / Everybody Enjoy The "State of the Union" Speech?
« on: January 29, 2014, 10:50:05 AM »
So irritating watching those guys clap like trained monkeys over the stupidest stuff.  I made it through a little over half way and couldn't stand it any more!  What do you think?

eBay / Re: Another Reason To Use Firefox for eBay
« on: January 29, 2014, 10:47:30 AM »
I use Chrome as my main browser, and it works great with ebay and paypal.  When it first came out there were some issues with printing shipping labels, and I would just jump into firefox and take care of them, but that was a few years ago and those issues are long gone. 

I have firefox installed on all my computers too, so if I ever have an issue with Chrome, I can just jump over.  I haven't had to do that for a long time though.  And I haven't used internet explorer for years, I just don't care for it and think Chrome is a lot more user friendly.

Picker's Paradise / Re: Picks 01.26.2014
« on: January 27, 2014, 12:04:13 PM »
Bought a box full of pistol holsters and mag carriers yesterday for 90 bucks.  One holster I wanted, the rest I'll sell.  Ended up being some ammo and a bunch of new cleaning supplies in the box too.  I'll keep the one holster and the cleaning supplies, sell the ammo, and I've already priced out a couple of the ammo carriers and a couple of holsters and I think I'll pull back 200-300 off of the remainder.   ;D

Craigslist / Re: dead as the forum !
« on: January 27, 2014, 11:55:42 AM »
It was kicking ass for me before Christmas and the first week of the new year........pretty much died since then....expect a resurgence middle of next month when tax refunds start rolling in.

PayPal / Re: When does PayPal send out 1099s?
« on: January 27, 2014, 11:15:28 AM »
Just got an email from paypal this morning.  Says to log in to paypal account and select history>Tax Documents to view and print my 2013 form 1099-K

eBay / Re: Can't Sign In to eBay
« on: January 25, 2014, 12:02:07 PM »
I've been using Chrome ever since it was released.  It's great, I have all my favorites synced up on my laptop, ipad, and cell phone.  Just makes life easy.  I also use firefox once in a while too, I just prefer the overall look and feel of Chrome.

And, I've kept my original AOL email account from 1995.  I have a bunch of different email accounts I use for various craigslist accounts, ebay, certain sites I visit, etc.  But I still use my aol account as my main one.  Every once in awhile I'll hear from an old friend because I still have the same email address......but remember when you used to have to pay for that?

 And with gmail going down and freaking everybody out the other day, I had no problems.   ;D

PayPal / Re: Why is PayPal so slow?
« on: January 16, 2014, 09:49:14 PM »
Maybe it's time to ditch the dial up?  :)

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: Saving money on shipping
« on: January 14, 2014, 12:45:55 PM »
Most Newspapers will sell the leftover rolls that are not long enought to print out the next batch, usually pick them up around 5 bucks, usually have 500 yards or more of newspaper left on them. Wife uses it for arts and crafts with the kids, I use it for packing.

I'll second that.....I go down to the local newspaper and they sell theirs for $3 a roll.....I buy five rolls at a time and it last quite awhile.

Also, hospitals are a great source of boxes.  The local hospital in town here has a spot under cover that they pile up boxes and anybody can go there and pick them up for free.  And of course people are always giving them away on craigslist.

Online Storage Auctions / Re: How do you feel about buyer's premiums?
« on: January 12, 2014, 02:57:12 AM »
I don't like them at all, but it's not hard to allow for when you're bidding.  It's just extra cash in the auctioneers pocket that we get nothing extra for!

Craigslist / Re: New Craigslist Feature....benefits sellers
« on: January 11, 2014, 05:38:54 PM »
I started a second account because sometimes the first account won't let me post more than 15 items

I usually keep an average of 200 listings going on four accounts, so I am not sure why you can't seem to get more than 15 on an account....

I have not tried the new ad linking feature yet, but I was thinking about doing that tomorrow night when I redo a bunch of my ads, just to see if it helps.

eBay / Re: Is There Another Contest? MovieMan going Crazy today lol
« on: January 11, 2014, 12:48:11 PM »
I was thinking that too.......picking must have slowed down and he's on some kind of "paid per post" commission schedule.......just to make ends meet............ :D

Craigslist / Re: Posting pics in Craigslist ads
« on: January 11, 2014, 01:23:49 AM »
Always take enough pictures to show all sides and good detail and I usually make sure they can see the model number.  If a picture is worth a thousand words, their new 24 picture format speaks volumes!  The few extra minutes it takes to put in a few extra pictures is well worth it in my opinion and can save a lot of stupid questions. 

eBay / Re: Stolen items on eBay
« on: January 11, 2014, 12:21:27 AM »
I got this HUGE speaker once in a locker.  I took some really good pictures and listed it on craigslist.  I get an email from this guy saying that it is his speaker that was stolen from him and he was going to give me the "opportunity" to give it back to him before he called the cops.

I sent him a reply saying that I had a receipt from a reputable company and I would be more than happy to meet him in the parking lot at the town's police station and if it really turned out to be his I would give it to him.  Never heard back...........

I've been here for three years guys make my measly 168 posts a year pretty pathetic........ :'(

That's what was in there at the time of the auction. There could've been other stuff added and removed over the 8 years she was there. I'm just sayin'.

Could have been, but knowing how this works, there probably wasn't! 

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