money4nothing........ I have never been to an auction that you had to pay a deposit just bid, I have never even heard of such a thing. I think you may have misunderstood what the deposit was for. I'm thinking it was for anyone who wins the locker to make sure they clean it out and not just take the good stuff and leave the trash in the locker.
Good luck with your locker you bought.
He was pretty sure about what he said I have never heard of it either being a noobie I try to listen to everything. If I run into I will let you know kinda hope I don't. He also said they took a copy of his license and when he didn't purchase anything he asked for it back and they gave him a hard time about that. Said his Identity was stolen when he was younger so he is cautious. (I have some good ears) : )
And thanks think we will do fine on our locker.. Strollers should get our money back, I know clothes are a pain you don't get paid for your time with them, but will help our yard sale. And we needed to do some work. LOL