The title here says a lot, but the pictures will give you a good idea too. No one else on the forum mentions these much so I don't know how common they are across the states...any others going on ?
This time the facility had 21 units and #1 was the best. It was a 10 x 30 and the people were hoarders of some kind, but the hoarded stuff included lots of new items in the bag or box with price tags, so that was good. This unit took about 2 hours to auction just as one did last week in a different location. Items are sold by the box or by the piece (like furniture, bigger tools, etc. A set of rakes, shovels, etc would be sold as one lot. It doesn't get down to single item sales unless they are bigger single items.
So here are some pics with comments between pics, or separate posts for some pics.
Above is an overall view of the two rows....maybe 50 feet long for browsing.
Stack of the usual stereo components. Forget what they sold for. Usually around $40 or $50 depending on make.
After people walk through and some stuff doesn't sell they move all the boxes and other stuff to the side.
Then they bring out more stuff and the process begins again and the new leftovers join the wall. See another thread for how much this wall sold for.
Here's the link for the GUESS WHAT THEY SOLD FOR thread.