Storage Auctions

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Messages - RiverRoverPA

Pages: [1]
New to Storage Auctions? / Re: Clothes with Security tags
« on: May 14, 2012, 09:21:12 AM »
Well as it turns out this method did work out for us, we are currently at about $600 in profit. I managed to freeze all of the ink packs and safely remove them with a hacksaw. The part i didn't like was that you bid and then go home and wait for 10-14 days while the storage facility people have access to the unit. I thought that was kinda shady. But I guess since it all worked out and didn't seem as if they messed with anything, I will probably go back.

New to Storage Auctions? / Re: Clothes with Security tags
« on: April 17, 2012, 12:55:10 PM »
I agree alloro, and I most likely will Not be going back because I thought it was very shady. Plus a big part of this is the auction and it was boring this way IMO.  The nice thing about this was I guess a lot of people don't like the method and so there were only about 5 bidders for 3 units. once I get pics I will put them up. thanks

New to Storage Auctions? / Clothes with Security tags
« on: April 17, 2012, 09:46:34 AM »
Hi all,
 I went to my first auction on the 11th, and didn't like the way it was run. It was a silent auction where they gave you a paper with all of the units listed, they walked us around to each unit and cut the locks off. At the end you had to write a bid down for each unit, put it in an envelope and seal it. They then send these sealed bids to corporate and you wait to hear if you won. We bid $10 on a junky little 10x10 and got it. I will post pics as soon as I can.
Now on to the real question. this locker has a lot of brand new clothes in it, many of them still have tags. Some of them have the security tag on them as well. So now I need to figure out how to remove these tags without ruining the clothes. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, I did search the threads with no luck.

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