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Messages - smileLP

Pages: [1]
The Treasure Chest / Re: Stuff I've Found in the Last 30 Days!
« on: January 10, 2011, 07:53:38 PM »
hi teach....

question:  do you think it is possible to do this full time, as you are doing, without a thrift shop of your own?  or the willingness to go to flea markets every wknd?

in other words, can you get rid of all your merchandise strictly from CL, ebay, and whatever contacts you end up making?  or do you need a more "permanent" channel for selling stuff


richard in NY

from what i can see this "business" is pretty straight forward.  ignore what you see on tv, 99% of the units are routine household stuff of varying quality.  this means that if you want to do this for a living, you need a van or truck, at least one other helper, a huge place to store stuff (this is very important), and, often, a thrift shop, and also, the willingness to go to flea markets every weekend to move your merchandise.  also, you CL, ebay and amazon it for the rare nicer pieces

my point is, to do this "right," you do really have to make a commitment, and go all the way w/all the apparatus you need to store and sell a constant large volume of merchandise

currently i am doing this as a hobbyist; i bid only on small units cuz i have no place to store much and i also get scared away by a lot of big pieces/furniture

despite what we see on tv, i think my assessment of the likely (only)bsns. model is probably correct

other opinions are welcome!

richard (NY)

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: First Auction Today
« on: December 30, 2010, 09:28:06 PM »
i've bought 3 units so far.  they've been typical semi-crap type units.  lotsa household, clothes, not junk per se, but nothing of any value really.  at an auction yesterday a huge 10x15 room didn't get any bids.  it was full of the same kind of stuff i'd bought previously and i'm kind of thinking i would like to elevate the quality i acquire.  of course most units have this same type of semi-crap.  now to the poster who said they'd take any room for $5, i almost took this unit for $10 (my typical no-other-bid bid) but it was SOOOOOO much stuff that it would've taken too long to get it all out.  3 round trips w/me and my brother (2 cars), and it just looked sooo routine.  if i'd seen ONE good quality item sticking up, i (and others) would've bid.   but......

of course "you never know" is our eternal mantra, but sometimes the odds are pretty clear what you're likely getting and in those instances i listen to my instincts

of course hours after leaving i was second guessing myself and almost/kinda wishing i'd bought the unit!  ; )

Welcome to the Online Storage Auctions Forum / Re: Hi, from New York area
« on: December 30, 2010, 02:42:38 PM »
yeh, i noticed y'all were..... elsewhere...

Welcome to the Online Storage Auctions Forum / Hi, from New York area
« on: December 29, 2010, 11:58:08 PM »
any other NY'ers around?

i'm happy to describe my experiences here on the east coast, and am int'd in what y'all have been experiencing

more later!


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