Storage Auctions

How Real is Auction Hunters on TV ?

Offline Bandit

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How Real is Auction Hunters on TV ?
« on: July 14, 2011, 10:20:29 PM »
  Lets Pretend this is Fox News , I'll Post , You Decide .
   Like a lot of others on here , We store our finds away from our real address , 45 min. away in our case . We have two 12 X 30 ft. lockers w/lights and elect .
back a few months ago we were cleaning and organizing them , when people started stopping and looking in and asking if this was the Auction ???  NO 
 Turns out thy were having an auction , but only advertise in the local paper .             An old guy stuck his head in and said , it looks like You two do the same thing I do . He scored two and told us He got one the other day at the one with the TV Film Crew there ? ( I think He said it was in Boylston or West Boylston , Mass. not sure )
  Told us  the pro's from Ca. won a locker for $ 2600 .                                              After everyone left ,  He was emptying out His Locker ( near there's ) and they were in there locker re-shooting the auction again   ,   This Time They WON IT for             $ 4200. 
  He couldn't tell Us who they were , as he doesn't watch TV .
    We went to a new to us country auction ( went two or three times last year ) and someone asked the auctioneer  about the TV shows .
  He was there bidding against them , they bragged ,  We have  the money and were getting all the good ones , you locals might as well go home .
  The locals pushed them up on every locker , in the end three of them Pooled there money and they took the best locker from them .
  He said it was TON and His Skinny Little  Friend .
  I want to say again , We were not there , this is all 2nd. , hand info ,                        but I wish We had been     ;)

Offline MovieMan

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Re: How Real is Auction Hunters on TV ?
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2011, 10:47:28 PM »
Sounds right to me for Auction Hunters on Spike.

There are a half dozen (or so) threads on AH here at the forum. Use the search button above to find them all.

Offline Bandit

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Re: How Real is Auction Hunters on TV ?
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2011, 07:09:18 AM »
Hi Movieman
    Yes I have read a LOT of the whole Forum and found it Very Interesting , especially some of Your post's .( Someone Please tell Me the Shows are Real , or I won't believe anything on TV anymore   :o )                                                                                                                                             Thanks for Sharing Your Stories and Knowledge of the Business , I am sure some here have learned from it .
  The must all ways need more TV Extra's out there on the left Coast , they seem to keep killing more of them off on every show  ?    ::)

Offline MovieMan

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Re: How Real is Auction Hunters on TV ?
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2011, 09:35:48 AM »

Are you typing your messages outside the forum (in Word or something) and then cutting and pasting them into the box here?  Some of them (like the first post in this thread) have GAPING holes that make it hard to follow from one point to another.

Just typing messages in the blue box here works great if one just keeps typing and lets the auto-return work as the typing comes to the end of the right margin. Two hard returns at the end of a paragraph will separate out one thought from the other.

Just wondering...maybe something else is going on.

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