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Storage Auction TV Show Coming Soon on Spike!!

Offline Drew

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Re: Storage Auction TV Show Coming Soon on Spike!!
« Reply #15 on: November 30, 2010, 07:14:22 PM »
Yea definitely! Maybe the other show coming out "storage wars" will show some of the other aspects of the business!

Re: Storage Auction TV Show Coming Soon on Spike!!
« Reply #16 on: December 01, 2010, 10:58:48 AM »
YOU ARE RIGHT ON .. this show is total BULL****!!  And I strongly suspect it is Scripted and FAKED!

I watched for the second time the Nov 30th show where these two PHONIES find a $8k Schwinn vintage bicycle in one locker and then in another cheap buy, a '79 Fender Strat Custom Color and Blues deVille Fender Amp!! GIVE ME A BREAK! Would ANYONE abandon a storage locker with those highly collectablles in them?? Unless the owner was a Fence or the Thief and now in jail, maybe!

I am a Vintage Guitar/Amp collector, dealer and also renting to the movie/music video studio industry for some 20+ years. First I k nnow that Norm of Norms Vitage Guitar is the biggest "shark" in the business ... he'd ripoff his own mother to under pay for a classic valuable axe or amp. That "custom color" 79 Strat in 99.9% condition is going for $4k to $6k on the market (yeah, late '70's strats are no '60's collectables) but his  offer of $2.1k was a joke and a rip-off, espwecially since that near mint '90's Blue deVille Amp was worth $300 - $400 on the market. Either these two show guys are MORONS for not researching the value (simple as Google '79 Strat Custom Color) or this was all STAGED! I think that Strat and Amp WERE PLANTED!! I also think the Vintage Bike was a plant too. I suspect that Norm's and the Vintage Bike dealer loaned those finds for the publicity!

This whole show has the SMELL OF FAKED and scripted!

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Re: Storage Auction TV Show Coming Soon on Spike!!
« Reply #17 on: December 01, 2010, 01:07:59 PM »
yep just like any other "reality" tv show!! haha

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Re: Storage Auction TV Show Coming Soon on Spike!!
« Reply #18 on: December 02, 2010, 11:35:08 AM »
So did anyone catch Storage Wars last night on a&e? I missed it. Was it pretty much just like auction hunters?

Re: Storage Auction TV Show Coming Soon on Spike!!
« Reply #19 on: December 02, 2010, 04:15:28 PM »
I have watched both shows and found them entertaining and informative.
Auction Hunters shows a statement on screen that these are their exceptional finds.
The guys have said they use an 80/20 rule. 80% = trash 20% profitable.
Also on the last show they said they hit the auction scene hard in the LA area for 8 weeks without o solid profit yet.

Storage Wars was like deja vu. Saw whale act the same way as "The Mogul". Also saw an entire small restaurant sell.
Lots of people and only a few serious bidders.

If they plant items who knows. People don't pay their bills for multiple reasons, including stupidity, laziness and death.

These shows will bring more people to auctions, so deals will be harder and harder to get.

The pro's will drive up the price on crap rooms and drop them on the rookies so they can't bid on the good rooms.
New people, like me are going to find that learning this business is going cost $$$. Making a mistake will cost you even more $$$$. An education is never free. Watching a show might get you motivated, but lack of experience and knowledge will cost you big time.

These show may at some point start show their mistakes as well. They need to build up ratings and viewers first, and things that make people go wow will do it.

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Re: Storage Auction TV Show Coming Soon on Spike!!
« Reply #20 on: December 02, 2010, 05:30:48 PM »
yea I heard storage wars was a little more realistic. Ill probably watch it tonight online.

Re: Storage Auction TV Show Coming Soon on Spike!!
« Reply #21 on: December 02, 2010, 08:23:56 PM »
Storage Wars was definitely more realistic than Auction Hunters, but they still made more money on their units than the "average" buyer is going to routinely find.  They are both good entertainment though, and I'll probably continue to watch both, I'm addicted!

The guys with the money do run up units on the new guys, I saw it earlier this week out on one of the big auction runs.  One new guy ran up two of the "regulars" on a unit, and they got pissed and said they weren't going to let him get a cheap one for the rest of the day.  He (new guy) ended up buying a unit for 1500 bucks toward the end of the day.  I think he overpaid, but he seems to be happy with it. 

Re: Storage Auction TV Show Coming Soon on Spike!!
« Reply #22 on: December 05, 2010, 10:22:16 PM »
Storage Wars was way better in my opinion. Still not what it's really like, but at least they show stuff like the young guy going bust. I can't tell if it's all total bs or if stuff just sells for more in cally because those show show them selling stuff for crazy prices you can't get on the East Coast unless you sit on it for a while. Like the 71 chevy they showed on Auction Hunter that sold for 7200.... lol I can get those trucks for 1500 all day down south. I can take you to small towns all over FL where those trucks are more common than the honda civic.

Re: Storage Auction TV Show Coming Soon on Spike!!
« Reply #23 on: December 19, 2010, 01:05:15 PM »
There is a lot of things that go on with these auctions behind the scene.

The only way I think they should be legal is for the original lock to be cut at the time of the auction.

I have fooled around with the auction off and on for about three years and seen most of the things that happen.

 Went to one and got there a little early along with about 3 other people, Was advertised to have 8 units, Asked if there was still eight units and was told yeas.

 The two people in the office said they had to go and cut the locks and told us we had to wait outside the office and could not go with them, When they got back there were only 5 units up for auction. ??????

And then there are the managers that have there own buying team that gets to look at all the unit’s the day before the auction. And yes I know this for a fact.

I was at one auction that before the door was fully open someone bided $2,000.00, Everybody else just walked away. That was no auction.

 Then there is the storage companies that say vehicle are not included with the storage unit that they deal with them in a different way. ?????

 So if you are new to this be careful what you step into.


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Re: Storage Auction TV Show Coming Soon on Spike!!
« Reply #24 on: December 19, 2010, 01:22:36 PM »
Yea there is some shifty stuff going on every now and then. Usually if you talk around you can find out which ones aren't doing things right and just stay away from them. As far as locks being cut I think the Self Storage Auction Act or whatever the law is states that for the legal ad they need to list a general inventory you know like on the legal ads how they say household goods, tools, boxes etc... The only way to do that is buy cutting the lock off taking a peek from the door for the legal ad then locking it back up. I am sure this is a tempting time for the storage facitlity employee if he/she sees something they would like! But if they were to take something at this point or any other point up to the auction and then the customers actually pays up and stops the auction then they could get in big trouble!

Re: Storage Auction TV Show Coming Soon on Spike!!
« Reply #25 on: December 19, 2010, 01:34:54 PM »
Legal or not, stuff like that happens all the time.  Just last month, I bought a unit that had a rifle in it.  The auctioneer goes in a week or so ahead of the auction and takes a few pictures and post online a few of the items that are in the unit.  It just so happens that he listed the rifle as a Remington Model 700 .30-06 with a Leupold Scope on it with a nice wood stock.  I bought the unit, partially on the fact that the particular rifle described was in the unit.  When I opened the case (with 7 witnesses watching), it contained an old Mosin Nagant that had been sporterized with some nasty black synthetic stock.  I complained to the auctioneer, and he said that was not the gun that was in the case when he previewed the units.  He took me into the office, and the manager of the facility agreed that the gun I had was not the gun that was originally in there, but he would not do anything for me.  I was pissed!  The only people that had access to it were either the owner of the facility or one of the two employees that worked there. Still trying to get them to cough up some sort of compensation, because I had it sold before I ever bought the unit.  Fortunately there was lot's of other good stuff in there and I ended up making good money on it.  The manager even told me "there's a lot of good stuff in there and you're going to make a lot of money on it anyway",  but that doesn't matter, it still should have been there!

Re: Storage Auction TV Show Coming Soon on Spike!!
« Reply #26 on: December 24, 2010, 01:03:18 PM »
YOU ARE RIGHT ON .. this show is total BULL****!!  And I strongly suspect it is Scripted and FAKED!

I watched for the second time the Nov 30th show where these two PHONIES find a $8k Schwinn vintage bicycle in one locker and then in another cheap buy, a '79 Fender Strat Custom Color and Blues deVille Fender Amp!! GIVE ME A BREAK! Would ANYONE abandon a storage locker with those highly collectablles in them?? Unless the owner was a Fence or the Thief and now in jail, maybe!

I am a Vintage Guitar/Amp collector, dealer and also renting to the movie/music video studio industry for some 20+ years. First I k nnow that Norm of Norms Vitage Guitar is the biggest "shark" in the business ... he'd ripoff his own mother to under pay for a classic valuable axe or amp. That "custom color" 79 Strat in 99.9% condition is going for $4k to $6k on the market (yeah, late '70's strats are no '60's collectables) but his  offer of $2.1k was a joke and a rip-off, espwecially since that near mint '90's Blue deVille Amp was worth $300 - $400 on the market. Either these two show guys are MORONS for not researching the value (simple as Google '79 Strat Custom Color) or this was all STAGED! I think that Strat and Amp WERE PLANTED!! I also think the Vintage Bike was a plant too. I suspect that Norm's and the Vintage Bike dealer loaned those finds for the publicity!

This whole show has the SMELL OF FAKED and scripted!

That Strat is worth about $1000.Did any one notice it was a bolt on neck?They go for a lot less then a straight neck.No mother of pearl on the frets.Thats brings the price up even more.

Re: Storage Auction TV Show Coming Soon on Spike!!
« Reply #27 on: December 28, 2010, 05:07:43 PM »
check out where you can find the listings to the auctions found on auction hunters

Offline Travis

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Re: Storage Auction TV Show Coming Soon on Spike!! Raised from the dead!
« Reply #28 on: March 20, 2011, 07:12:34 PM »
Just thought I would bring this thread back from the grave...It's quite entertaining just looking at the difference 5 months can make.  8)

Re: Storage Auction TV Show Coming Soon on Spike!!
« Reply #29 on: May 02, 2011, 02:02:20 PM »
Very interesting points, i would chime in but i just dont have much relevant info right now ;) So bump, bump, bump, it up!

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