Storage Auctions

Storage Wars....Summer, 2011...starts.....

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Storage Wars....Summer, 2011...starts.....
« Reply #30 on: August 10, 2011, 11:39:44 PM »
Wednesday, August 10, 2011....

First episode tonight...Barry gets a cool pool cue holder from the Victorian Era.




Now for part 2:

The couple score with one of the coolest old-timey things I've seen in a long time....bird boxes....check them out!

Mark (whatever) is back spending his way to celebrity as the new guy to hate....he gets a Nintendo (NES) he claims sold for $13.5K online. Takes his to a game guessed it, he gets what we would get....not much.


So, SW seems to be improving a bit in the realism dept with the guys getting their fair share of duds now and again.

Re: Storage Wars....Summer, 2011...starts.....
« Reply #31 on: August 13, 2011, 12:52:25 AM »
Still good entertainment.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Storage Wars....Summer, 2011...starts.....
« Reply #32 on: August 31, 2011, 09:48:57 PM »
Barry gets a lkr for $350 with 3 ez-ups and 3 circus sideshow canvas sheets.

Jarrod gets the “wine box” locker for $1700…..gets silver and gold but not a winner.

Jarrod tweeks Dave and raises him 2 grand and Dave gets it for $8K… parts and a violin by Stradivarius ?

Darrell goes away without anything again…..

Two of the 4 lost money….reality TV !

Storage Wars….Unlocked !

The four bidders get together with Dotson and the executive producer of the show in the now shuttered Sahara casino in Las Vegas and ditch the dirt on the show and the personalities. You gotta watch this one whether your’re a “newbie” or a “pro”.  Good stuff.

Re: Storage Wars....Summer, 2011...starts.....
« Reply #33 on: September 01, 2011, 02:31:30 PM »
I prefer Storage Wars to Auction Hunters.  Auction Hunters never gets a loser, and I don't know anyone that always hits a home run, especially on the 'we travel the country and buy lockers' stunt.
   I got a kick out of the $1,000,000 Stradivarius Violin that wouldn't get $200.  Hester seems to think everything he buys is top of the line.  (Remember the used tires and other crap he said was worth an 'easy 1k?)
   He must have some of the dumbest and richest customers alive if he gets 2/3 of what he says that stuff is worth.  $375 for a washer and dryer set?  Don't they have Best Buy's in Cali?

Re: Storage Wars....Summer, 2011...starts.....
« Reply #34 on: September 01, 2011, 02:47:33 PM »
Ive been to dave hesters store. Its actually huge. And nice. Lota nice stuff. Way overpriced tho. Hes in newport beach which is like the richest area in orange county so customers money certainly aint a problem

Auction Hunters....Summer, 2011....Starts

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Auction Hunters Summer Season, 2011

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Storage Wars....Spring 2011...New Episodes

Started by MovieMan

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Storage Wars Dallas Begins Dec 2011

Started by MovieMan

2 Replies
Last post November 29, 2011, 10:05:36 PM
by MovieMan