Storage Auctions

A TRUE "Mystery" Locker !

Re: A TRUE "Mystery" Locker !
« Reply #15 on: February 22, 2013, 02:12:25 PM »
Your inadvertent clue of course made life easier.  However, narrowed it down even further with the 1st box picture.  You have to do a search on the word.  Don't think I have an exact match.....yet.  May have to do some more searching tonight.

Lol Cobia - and now everyone is looking in my cube to see why I was laughing so hard.   :)

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Re: A TRUE "Mystery" Locker !
« Reply #16 on: February 23, 2013, 06:58:52 AM »
You Bastards! I typed in 2" x 9" cylinders into Google search and now i'm going to get fired!  :-\

You can get fired for over-exaggerating?  ;D

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Re: A TRUE "Mystery" Locker !
« Reply #17 on: February 24, 2013, 08:42:04 AM »
OK, time for the reveal !

The opened box contains.....envelope please......4 boxes, 48 cylinders.....Power 5x Butane !

This is apparently used to fill any appliance (lighters, etc) that use butane. A case of 12 cans pretty much sells for around $36 on eBay. So, a lot of potential for profit here.

The buyer paid $330 for the locker. I was in at $100 (just to see what was inside the mystery boxes) but was quickly left behind and wasn't willing to risk anymore than the $100.

I'll leave the 6 bags content for awhile to see if anyone responses to this post and will also reveal some more interesting facts about this locker.

Any thoughts on why the boxes would have been wrapped in plastic the way they were?

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Re: A TRUE "Mystery" Locker !
« Reply #18 on: February 24, 2013, 10:31:55 AM »
Perhaps to reduce the chances of a fire/explosion? To reduce corrosion of the can?

I think the shipping cost would eat up any profits if you sold them on eBay. I would contact liquor/tobacco stores and try to sell them in bulk. Is there an expiration date?

Re: A TRUE "Mystery" Locker !
« Reply #19 on: February 24, 2013, 05:41:56 PM »
That was a nice mystery unit for the guy.  I'm like you however - I'd not gone over $150 myself if had no clue what was in the boxes.  In fact my first thought when I saw the way they were wrapped was drugs.

Did the trash bags have lighters or other related items in them?

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Re: A TRUE "Mystery" Locker !
« Reply #20 on: February 25, 2013, 09:22:39 AM »

Good guesses by all on the contents of the boxes and their value once the contents were revealed. There was potential for several thousand dollars of income at $2 to $3 a can.

This would have been a good return on the $330 investment EXCEPT FOR ONE THING!

When the lkr buyer and I opened the first box to reveal the 4 smaller boxes inside, and then opened the first blue box we discovered.....the cylinders were empty ! 

Yep, no weight, no butane gas.  And there were no blue caps on top of each cylinder. What was in the plastic garbage bags in front of the 32 cases?  THE BLUE CAPS !

The "round but flat" things we felt inside the bags were all the missing caps; 6 industrial plastic garbage bags and one large cardboard box of pristine blue plastic caps!


After giving my condolences to the lkr buyer I took my leave after we both agreed "The rest of the boxes MIGHT have some full bottles in them", but as I walked away I couldn't help but think he had just spent $330 on some aluminum that might bring in a $100 or so for scrap.

I decided I wouldn't reveal the find to my cronies at the next auction down the line but I ran an errand and then I got to the next auction after the lkr buyer did. When I got there the poor soul was telling them all the story and asked me to fill in the details.  We looked the butane up on my iPad and found out the facts for people selling them there.


Now WHY were the boxes wrapped in plastic?  Like Clist, when I first saw them I thought drugs (marijuana) with the plastic maybe being a partial barrier to odor getting out.  Now I'm thinking the old lkr owner didn't want anyone seeing him moving these boxes (probably marked on the outside of the brown cardboard) with the Power 5x logo.  Of course there are ligitmate uses for it, but one of the guys said he thought it was an ingredient used in making meth or other drugs of similar nature.

Will try to talk to the manager of the facility for her take on the former lkr owner. She wasn't there the day of the sale.

So, CAVEAT EMPTOR, let the buyer beware. A gamble is a gamble, but when the lkr is a TOTAL MYSTERY, maybe best to pass or bid low.

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Re: A TRUE "Mystery" Locker !
« Reply #21 on: February 25, 2013, 12:35:55 PM »
OK, time for the reveal !

The opened box contains.....envelope please......4 boxes, 48 cylinders.....Power 5x Butane !

Apparently this is incorrect. The correct answer should've been empty cans and blue caps.

Re: A TRUE "Mystery" Locker !
« Reply #22 on: February 26, 2013, 12:11:17 PM »
Oh that just stinks.  I saw the boxes, the wrap, and the bottles and was hoping they were all new.  Who really puts the bottles back in the boxes and closes them up...and then stores them.

I agree with the plastic to hide the Power5x boxes.  Also, many places would consider that explosive.  The one renters contract that I saw had stuff like that on the prohibited list.

This may of been one of the few times a little name search on your local PD website may of helped.  Of course I hardly ever do it unless have some time to kill myself.  Never find a match.

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Re: A TRUE "Mystery" Locker !
« Reply #23 on: March 06, 2013, 09:05:36 AM »
Haven't seen the buyer of this disaster since it happened but am thinking he will be at some auctions on March 8 so am hoping for an update from him.

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Re: A TRUE "Mystery" Locker !
« Reply #24 on: March 08, 2013, 02:08:16 PM »
Before I could get to the empty "butane" buyer today at an auction, someone approached me and told me that he had revealed they were all empty. Was glad I got that news second hand as it made it easier for me to talk to him.

I asked him if he was able to salvage it and he said he had to take them ALL to the hazardous waste facility and got NO MONEY for them.

Recyclers wouldn't take them apparently because of what they used to contain. I thought he could have cut off the tops or just punched holes in the side to show they were empty, but apparently not.

So a total loss for him, but better him than me if I had gotten it for the $100 I was willing to bid for a mystery locker.

Offline alloro

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Re: A TRUE "Mystery" Locker !
« Reply #25 on: March 08, 2013, 09:51:17 PM »
So a total loss for him, but better him than me

Some days you get the bear, and some days the bear gets you!

Re: A TRUE "Mystery" Locker !
« Reply #26 on: March 11, 2013, 02:17:28 PM »
Yep - the bear didn't get me fully last month on my mystery unit but it took a good chunk of hide.  $315 spent for a 5 x 15 - could only see the matress blocking the view, dust, table legs sticking up, and nothing else.  Dust and cobwebs like this normally equals to a unit that has not been touched.  We were right on that and wrong on the "quality".  Will make 100-$150 of the money back but most of it was trash.  Once again I just had to shake my head at what people pay good money to "store".

Auctioneer goes "postal" when toes enter locker edge !

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