Storage Auctions

Auction Scene #5...May, 2013

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Auction Scene #5...May, 2013
« Reply #15 on: May 09, 2013, 01:43:34 PM »
Went to an auction the other day that had 20 lockers and a crowd of only about 25 people; 6 regular buyers, rest were people I had not seen before.

Prices were OK, but I didn't buy a locker. Best one went for $700 and contained A LOT of totes ! It was mostly a mystery locker but there were a few things showing. None of the regulars went for it. It went to a newb.

Of the 20 lockers I would say 8 or so were just trash. They sold for $5 to $25.

So, a bust for me, but two of the regular buyers bought lkrs. One got one for $600...think he will do OK, too much big stuff for me.  The other got one for $450 I think; he has a store (which is just breaking even after 6 months) and from what he says, his every other month yard sales are doing well.

Meanwhile, I poke along and am happy with what I get and sell and the lighter work load.

Re: Auction Scene #5...May, 2013
« Reply #16 on: May 09, 2013, 10:10:47 PM »
Today's 22 caravan was a complete bust. Not going back to this facility any longer. I went 2 months in a row, and I keep getting that sinking feeling that they're pillaging the units. There were 3 units that were worth bidding on, but the price was real high.. Because the crowd was itching to spend their money.. It was real suspicious when every single locker had 1 couch with a cushion missing and either a washer, dryer, or fridge in it.. and nothing else. Next month, I'll consider my gas savings a win..

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Re: Auction Scene #5...May, 2013
« Reply #17 on: May 10, 2013, 09:08:10 AM »
Today's 22 caravan was a complete bust. Not going back to this facility any longer. I went 2 months in a row, and I keep getting that sinking feeling that they're pillaging the units. There were 3 units that were worth bidding on, but the price was real high.. Because the crowd was itching to spend their money.. It was real suspicious when every single locker had 1 couch with a cushion missing and either a washer, dryer, or fridge in it.. and nothing else. Next month, I'll consider my gas savings a win..

In this day and age you gotta be real suspicious of the various facilities. The TV shows have caused managers and facility owners to see gold in auctioning off units. There are MANY facilities in my area that I'm convinced are auctioning off household junk; tenant left behinds; what the owners, managers, & employees didn't want after pillfering the units; and all around unwanted items for family & friends. Not to mention since the crowds have dropped around here, the facilities who have been using proxy bidders to run up the bidding are really starting to show now. Thankfully due to crowds dropping, the light is being shined on the missdeeds of my local facilities and I'm really finding out that MANY storage facilities in my area are crookeder than a dog's leg! Some really eye opening things happening around here for me.

Re: Auction Scene #5...May, 2013
« Reply #18 on: May 11, 2013, 10:57:53 PM »
Normally I don't care if they go through the units because I just bid on what I see.. But when they take EVERYTHING!! than it's just not worth the gas to drive around to see couch after couch after couch.. I mean, who rents a 10x20 unit to store a couch and a washer OR dryer.. Yes.. washer OR dryer, not washer AND dryer.

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Re: Auction Scene #5...May, 2013
« Reply #19 on: May 12, 2013, 08:43:37 PM »
Bought a locker on Thursday. Paid $300.. had a lot of boxes which was home decor and clothes upon clothes. Had a Directv HD DVR cardboard box in it. The top corner was bulged up just a bit and I caught a remote in the box, nobody else noticed, or knew enough to see it. In fact, most kidded that the DVR was "in the box!" .. Turns out it was in the box along with 2 standard receivers. That's my $300 on Amazon right there. The rest is profit.. Although it'll sell at $2 here and $3 there..

You better call directv to make sure money is not owed on them and they can be transferred to a new owner, if they are not it's just scrap metal. I never bid on any DirecTV stuff I see, must of it is un-usable.

I sold on amazon without knowing first and it costed me more when I had to refund it and eat the shipping cost.

Re: Auction Scene #5...May, 2013
« Reply #20 on: May 13, 2013, 09:15:59 PM »
Yeah, you're right. The boxes are tied to an account with a past due balance.. Although, they did say that the access card dept may issue a new card on these boxes so that I can use them.. but highly unlikely.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Auction Scene #5...May, 2013
« Reply #21 on: May 17, 2013, 08:55:32 AM »
Went to a piece by piece auction the other day. See details and 4 pics at link below.

Some of the stuff I got: New in Box (still in plastic wrap and foam) TIVO dual tuner ($10)
                                   HP Desktop and flat screen (with Windows 7) ($15)
                                   Sea shells (lots of colorful small ones, 6 abalone, 3 LARGE ) ($5)
                                   Five pieces of handmade doll furniture with marble tops ($5)
                                   Three Canes (walking sticks) One with dragon head and sword inside shaft ($7.50)
                                   Nesting set of 3 rattan tables ($5)
                                   40 pre-cut mattes for framing prints ($5)!/msg27171/#msg27171

Offline MTP

Re: Auction Scene #5...May, 2013
« Reply #22 on: May 17, 2013, 07:25:21 PM »
Was kinda short on cash, but one of my more favorite local caravans was going on, so I went anyway.

Surprisingly small crowd. Probably the smallest of the year, yet still 20+ peeps.

Units went for ok prices, hardly any newbees there, so no crazy overbidding.

Ended up buying a 5 x 10 for $90 and another for $1. Only took the $1 because it was right next to the other and I figured for a buck I take a chance. People were stunned how low the $90 went. I almost took it for my opener at $50 but another regular just 'Could not let me have it at that.'
Looked like several cases might hold high end electronics, but ended up most were empty. Some bread and butter stuff and the 2 monster TVs make me back 1/3 just in recycle value. Should do ok on that one, but no home runs. The $1 mostly some trash. Might turn it into $100.

Not too bad.

Skipped a auction to clean some of the stuff out and went to another one later today. Crowd increased quite a bit, some other auctions south of us ended and we got some overflow from there.

Ended up getting a pretty packed 10x10 for $140. Total stunner. Everybody was shocked. A Literal fleamarket unit. Foldup tables, canopy, home made racks and tons of totes and boxes.
I bought resellers units before and got mostly burned. They just never store valuables in those units. I just bid, because  wanted some of those tables and racks.

A quick scan revealed a near new pop up canopa, 3 portable DVD players, real nice canon camera NIB and TONS of fairly nice clothes. Bundled jeans, and most totes I could not even open. Saw some new knick knack fleamarket junk $0,50-$1 stuff. But LOTS of it, so that will add up nicely.
Sold a half shell mannequin torso to another bidder right on the spot for $20. They actually retail for le3ss, but he wanted it, and who am I to turn down $$ LOL.

Just based on what I saw I am sure I will make EASY $1,000 on it and I only saw maybe 15-20% of the stuff so far.

Overall definitely one of my better days.

Re: Auction Scene #5...May, 2013
« Reply #23 on: May 18, 2013, 05:32:54 PM »
Bought a locker on Thursday.. It's a loser I think.. Got a bed frame, wood, repainted.. badly. A decent round side table with drawer, antique-y.. another chair that is antique-y (but just found out it was broken and repaired).. The winner of the locker is a 1949 Philco 1100 radio. In decent shape. The plug is falling apart so I can't test to see if it powers on, etc. Can't find anything regarding sales for a value.. If someone wants to help me out with that, I'd appreciate it!

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Re: Auction Scene #5...May, 2013
« Reply #24 on: May 19, 2013, 02:01:34 PM »
There isn't much value in old radios.

Offline Alias300

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Re: Auction Scene #5...May, 2013
« Reply #25 on: May 19, 2013, 06:45:32 PM »
The winner of the locker is a 1949 Philco 1100 radio. In decent shape. The plug is falling apart so I can't test to see if it powers on, etc. Can't find anything regarding sales for a value.. If someone wants to help me out with that,

The 1100 is the AM only, right? 
Good condition and working (as in the insides have been replaced)....$150-ish.  Maybe.

Without being able to test the bulbs you might have troubles getting anyone to look at it.  They will offer a price based off of having to replace everything. Its a pain and kinda spendy.  It's an 6 or 8 bulb, plus wiring....$?$?
And the many people fix old tube style radio's?   And want AM only?

Think first thing I would do is fix the plug and see if it works.

There are tons of forums for people into old radios.  Go ask aound.  Might even find a buyer.

Or repurpose it.  Keep houseing but throw a new stereo in it.......

Re: Auction Scene #5...May, 2013
« Reply #26 on: May 20, 2013, 06:59:11 PM »
I know that there are a ton of people into vintage and antique radios.. But I also have the feeling that those people are typically cheap.. Repurposing it isn't a bad idea, but my knowledge of repurposing electronics is limited.. The case isn't in terrible shape. The bottom is fraying a bit and the screen is stressed. Not ripped anywhere, you can just see where some pressure had be put on it.

Offline Alias300

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Re: Auction Scene #5...May, 2013
« Reply #27 on: May 20, 2013, 07:19:56 PM »
Oh yeah, there is a whole cult of radio enthusiasts.  Just in the grand scheme of things the demographic is small.  Either they want vintage tube style radio's or not IMO. 

I like to fix old mixers.   But I've sold to people that like vintage any kitchen stuff, vintage mixers, just need inexpensive mixer or collects that brand.....and one because the color matched his fridge/stove.  Didnt even use mixers. 

I was looking into the restoration process last night and looks like a fun project but quite the process and need some electronics skills.  Way beyond my skill level.  Just reading thru some forums confused me.

I did find two for sale for $150 & $200, not working.   Asking that anyway.  And one that sold, restored, for $125.

Re: Auction Scene #5...May, 2013
« Reply #28 on: May 20, 2013, 09:12:56 PM »
Yeah I was figuring on putting it up for $75 and hope someone is a Philco enthusiast and picks it up. I'm afraid I'm holding onto a big boat anchor.

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Re: Auction Scene #5...May, 2013
« Reply #29 on: May 20, 2013, 09:20:32 PM »
Yeah I was figuring on putting it up for $75 and hope someone is a Philco enthusiast and picks it up. I'm afraid I'm holding onto a big boat anchor.

I got a big old console radio/record player in a locker and thought SOMEONE would buy it, but they never did. I finally had Goodwill pick it up and though I never saw it in the store one of the regular buyer's in my area came by it somehow and he put it on eBay. He ran it for 3 months I think it was and then it stopped running. I'm not a fan of his so I never did ask him what became of it. Chances are good he would tell me he bought it for $50 and sold it for $500 (whether that would be true or not is a BIG question mark.)

On the other hand I have had good luck with smaller old radios. The Zenith Transoceanics were made for years and through half a dozen model numbers at least. They all looked pretty much alike, but the people who know them know what's up with each model and its variations.  I think they're pretty dead now but I could be wrong.

I got a green metal cabinet radio about the same size and it did well. I got it for $15 at a flea market and I think it sold for $80 something on eBay.  Lot easier to handle than a big console too.  ;D

Auction Scene #2...February, 2013

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Auction Scene #10...October, 2013

Started by MovieMan

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Auction Scene #6...June, 2013

Started by MovieMan

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Auction Scene #12....December, 2013

Started by MovieMan

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