Storage Auctions

I knew I was right

Offline bwd111

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I knew I was right
« on: July 02, 2013, 02:49:16 PM »
I mentioned this after the first season and no one believed me. It was common sense!! After reading and taking this quote from msnbc The reason why is simple: People who store valuable items usually have the sense to remove them from a storage locker if they fall behind in the rent. 

Re: I knew I was right
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2013, 04:21:59 PM »
Yeah I see mostly people down on their luck, court involvement, etc.  Surprisingly enough some of these folks have some nice stuff from before they used meth, and didnt sell it or pawn it.

Occasionally some nice stuff comes around due to death.  Or people just forgetting to pay as they go on vacation. 

And a lot of "WTH?" lockers.  A suitcase, and a box...really?  Maybe you will find $100,000 in the suitcase....but more likely you will just find a change of clothes.

Re: I knew I was right
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2013, 08:26:18 PM »
Then you have those types of units like I saw today.. Former pawn shop. I must have counted 15 Xbox 360's. They're a quick sale too. High end bikes, 12-15 computers, a box filled with vintage Playboys (at least the top one was a Playboy) vintage train sets. I doubt there was any jewelry, but there was plenty to make money off of. Was too rich for my blood, ended up selling for $2,100.

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