Storage Auctions

First Locker Auction, not first

First Locker Auction, not first
« on: December 23, 2011, 10:07:13 AM »
My first storage locker auction was fun. There were around 20 people. Some serious, some just having an afternoon of fun, enjoying seeing the insides of the lockers. I found most of the people interesting, but a very diverse crowd of people. Some professional business type people, some flea market people, some retired people, some housewives, some farm guys, and all were very pleasant people, about 20 in all. Lockers ranged from $75-$475 and were what I would think of as pretty standard.
One woman seemed to be trying extremely hard to win every locker, the word win here may not be appropriate, since she would go after every locker and seem so happy at being high and getting the contents. One locker had cheap headboard, broken dresser and a tire. The furniture was very poor quality. She “won” for $75 the only bid. One locker had an older dryer, an empty box and street sign (illegal here), she paid $85 for that one, and would seem to be in heaven for having bought it. She seemed very nice, but I would guess she is shooting then aiming.
One gentlemen regaled me with stories of his wins and losses. He said he bid $350.00 on a locker the month before only to find out that the Colt pistol boxes (4 of them) were empty along with several high end rifle and shotgun boxes. He said the only other thing was a bag of clothes so he threw it all in the dumpster. I did inform him that empty Colt boxes can fetch $125 or so on eBay, he thought I was lying.
Oh well, we all live and learn.

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Re: First Locker Auction, not first
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2011, 10:27:47 AM »
I did inform him that empty Colt boxes can fetch $125 or so on eBay, he thought I was lying.

You got THAT right. I sold a vintage (long barrel) Colt box with paperwork for $80 on eBay.

Re: First Locker Auction, not first
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2011, 03:51:08 PM »
Sounds like fun.

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