Storage Auctions

HUGE lot of ULINE Cold Packs ?

HUGE lot of ULINE Cold Packs ?
« on: May 10, 2011, 09:01:37 AM »
So about 6 months ago I won a unit. It had 13 cases of Uline cold packs, 36 in each case.

I think that they are mostly used for shipping. I have used some in place of ice in coolers, and they work great for that. I have had it up on craiglist this whole time with no one responding as well as on ebay for a few weeks. Not sure what else to do to get rid of these. They are 20 per case on and have seen them selling for 1.99 a piece on ebay. I am going to try to give some away to any friends that want them at this point as they are just taking up space and I don't know if I will ever sell them. My next idea is to put them out at my next garage sale and then when I do my first flea market. They are 8 oz a piece, so selling online just gets tough with the weight adding up and making shipping expensive. Anyone have any ideas of what to do with these?
I also contacted a local brewing company with no response.

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Re: HUGE lot of ULINE Cold Packs ?
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2011, 09:29:10 AM »
Sounds like you've tried a lot....may be time to reduce the price to a point where someone just couldn't pass it up.

I once got 6 unopened cases of a paperback book...150 copies. I didn't think I'd ever be able to sell them all, and I threw away 100 copies rather than store them.

One year later I have sold 40 of the 50 copies I listed on ebay at buy it now of $3.00. I also charged a $2 handling fee, so net was $5.00 minus fees.

Sometimes with bulk items it's just a long haul and maybe not worth the effort or time...still 40 books at $5 (roughly) is close to $200 (over a year). Be nicer if it all came in one big chunk.  ;D

Re: HUGE lot of ULINE Cold Packs ?
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2011, 02:06:15 PM »
I would set some up with cold cokes at your yardsale. Sell the cokes for $0.50 each and put the cold packs next to them for whatever price they are. But set up a demo with it. People love to see stuff work, especially if it is something convenient. Those are reusable so that makes it real easy. When they buy a coke tell them about the cold packs  ;)

Re: HUGE lot of ULINE Cold Packs ?
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2011, 02:48:50 PM »
That's a good idea, adamanteus. I am having a yard sale this weekend and may give that a shot.

I am selling them really cheap, just seems to be no market. I may try a flea market sometime soon and put them out really cheap and see if anyone is interested. I think I might start asking all my friends if they want any for free as well. I already did well on the unit, so they are just starting to get to the point where they are just taking up space that I could put other inventory.

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