I see alot of people are so hung up at what does not sell.
I have to say i think it has to do with the way you think about it and talk about it. I have so far had no problem selling stuff like that.
Most of the guys i talk to in the business are pretty damn open minded to most things, and they sell it.
I think that if you use ebay as a referanse towards everything, you will not sell anything. Ebay only has about 10 of the buyers market in USA, most customers you find outside ebay and craigslist.
Ebay and craigslist must be a extra sales medium and nothing else, if these two places are you main selling place, you will be stuck with alot of stuff.
And from reading some comments, it looks like some people use Ebay as a appraiser and sales confirming thing. The truth is that there is about 60 million products for sale on Ebay at any given time. You do not hav enough customers in there to buy it all.
One funny thing, i was told by people in here that beanie babies had to be given away, well i wonder why i then could sell all 34 of them in 2 days for 720 dollars to a serious collector, this collector told me he had been online checking ebay, but could not find the ones he wanted.
I have sold tons of nice china the last 4 months, for top dollar, i have sold nick nacks , i have sold 60% of everything i have gotten in my units. Things i have not sold are things i want to sit on for awhile so the value goes up or i am waiting for the right customer to showup.
If you want to sell your poroducts, be positive about them, be positive about your selling, then you will sell. If the first thing you do is to check ebay and see alot of unsold items, and you link that to you and your products, guess what, your not gonna sell it.