Storage Auctions

Wasted morning....

Offline Alias300

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Wasted morning....
« on: June 27, 2012, 03:21:45 PM »
Four auctions and three cancelled.
Fourth was two units.  First was a closet with weights from like the 70's and garbage. Literally garbage all over.  Looks like renters were able to come snag their stuff and left crap.

 Second unit was really nice for scrapper. 20x20 packed full with hot water tanks and washer/dryers and like. Didn't take a genius to tell this was an appliance graveyard.  Looked like they had even been plucked for parts.  One guy opened at $10 and no one bid against him.  Can scrap himself or take the easy way and just have scrappers come pick it up at discount.  Either way he got a nice little pay day!

I was tempted but I haven't done scrapping on large scale in some time. And I'd almost have to call scrapper for pick-up and since I've never done it, don't know who pays, pays what.....
Would of taken me more than the 24hrs they give to clear out and this facility is spendy so renting unit for month would of cost me a pretty penny.

Figured this guy looked like it was his thing.  In fact, I'm thinking he knew, and came, for this unit cause as I left he was pulling up a huge flatbed truck with cherry picker and loooong trailer.  Not the type of vehicle (or trailer) you see at our average auction.
Why drive up price on him for something I'm not sure of.

But for me it was a waste of $10 of gas a several hours....   :-\

This makes 11 auctions since taking medical and I've won ONE. And it wasn't anything to brag about.  I admit, Im pretty picky due to circumstances but this is getting old.   I keep saying I'm not going untill  I'm better and can have a better choice of units to bid on but I get bored and head out anyway......   ::)

Offline Cobia

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Re: Wasted morning....
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2012, 07:20:24 AM »
Just pick up some Mexicans at the Home Depot the morning of the auction so you have help cleaning out and moving a decent unit. No units won, no problem, just buy them lunch and through them a few bucks for their time, but atleast you don't have to pass up all the good units cause of your condition.

Offline Alias300

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Re: Wasted morning....
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2012, 02:40:12 PM »
Just pick up some Mexicans at the Home Depot the morning of the auction so you have help cleaning out and moving a decent unit. No units won, no problem, just buy them lunch and through them a few bucks for their time, but atleast you don't have to pass up all the good units cause of your condition.

I've actuall have hired those guys before.  lol

Back when my friend started his roofing business we would swoop those guys up.  Pay by job, not hour.
Tell them that when he roof is clear and all loaded in dumpster they'd get $100/ea.
Man! Those guys would be done by noon with out even a nail left on ground. Beautiful.

Have used them a few times for heavy lifting/clean out.  But not from start to finish.  My Spanish isn't all that great.  Who knows wht directions I'd give them!  lol

If I had eight ice cube and you had twelve bananas, how many pancakes could you fit on the roof?

Cause alien don't wear hats!

Loco gringo.....como?     


Offline Alias300

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Re: Wasted morning....
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2012, 02:15:17 PM »
Not just a wasted morning but is has been a waste of week.

Only one auction and it turned out to be a caravan (so obviously there were more and I dropped the ball) and I got there as it was wrapping up.  Facility said 11am and they had started t 10:15 cause others went so quick.

Estate sales were a bust.  Two had a bunch of Cutco utensils (not knives) that I went for and they wanted $10-$15 EACH piece!    Everything this weekend was just shy of retail or over retail.  All the regulars were walking out empty handed.

Was really pissed cause I got to one t 6:45 and put name on list.  Came back at 8am and sat out front for an hour.  9am rolls around and lady says form a line she's not going by list.   >:(
Of course the two items I went for came walking out with the people that got in before me.

And to top it off....not a single sale this week. 

Week ahead is 'price to move' week.  Try to move some of the items I've had for a while and get to some auctions.  Auto auction is Thursday.  Maybe I'll find myself a truck.....

Offline Alias300

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Re: Wasted morning....
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2012, 10:44:53 AM »
Well my week altered course.

My bedroom has been smelling musty.  Finally started to smell like mold.
So tore it apart and against one corner is a good half inch of water!

Bottom of wall destroyed. Mold everywhere.

Got everything out and my box spring is toast.  Working on mattress to see if i can save it since it just two yer old.  Just a bit on corner.  Cleaned, sanitized, and stuck in  bathroom with fan & heat lamp.  Got ozone machine blowing on it to but my unit is set up for cars.  Not sure how well it will work in these conditions.

So off to home depot for drywall and paint.....

After just spending $1200 last week on hot water heater that sprung a leak.  Actually had to pay someone to do it.  Then they don't tighten down a fixture and it's been slowly leaking down wall and into my room!

So all plans of auctions are out.  Really need to get out there in August.  July was a very expensive month!

Offline alloro

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Re: Wasted morning....
« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2012, 01:09:08 PM »
Actually had to pay someone to do it.  Then they don't tighten down a fixture and it's been slowly leaking down wall and into my room!

As a licensed plumber, he should have liability insurance to cover his mistake.

Offline Alias300

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Re: Wasted morning....
« Reply #6 on: July 24, 2012, 02:39:50 PM »
As a licensed plumber, he should have liability insurance to cover his mistake.

Already tried that route.

They are going with "prove all the damage wasn't from when the original hot water tank sprung a leak."

They'll fix thier mistake and clean up of surrounding area but that's it.

Offline alloro

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Re: Wasted morning....
« Reply #7 on: July 24, 2012, 06:17:44 PM »
They are going with "prove all the damage wasn't from when the original hot water tank sprung a leak."

That not how it works in the real world. As an electrician by trade, I am quite familiar with how this type of scenario goes. They were the last to touch it, so they are responsible. It was their job to fix the problem, that's what you paid them for. The fact that they had to come back to fix a leak, in itself suggests that they added to any "existing damage". Also, if there was existing damage then they should've pointed it out to you when they were there working, or at least made you aware that there could be damage and a deeper inspection was necessary.

Offline Alias300

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Re: Wasted morning....
« Reply #8 on: July 25, 2012, 11:34:57 AM »
I just fixed it.  Once I got into it the damage looked worse than it was.
Going thru the process to get them to fix it would have been harder than just doing it myself.
And....I wanted it fixed NOW.

I decided against buying paint and just used basic white.  Found in locker and my procrastinating of taking to hazmat center paid off.  Tho I didn't have enough to do entire room.  So now I have 3 bright white walls and a (darker side of) off-white wall.  Like an accent wall.  Are those still in fashion?

And drywall was "acquired" from construction dump pile. 

Seriously, once I opened it up, I found nothing really wet.  Drywall seemed to soak  it ll up.
Used my auto detail stuff to extract carpet.   Dumped a gallon of alcohol on it and drentched wood.  Fan and infrared lights and was dry by last night.  pop'd in drywall and painted.

All that's left is some paint touch up.  All old, it took all day but in reality time spent actually working was 3 hours tops.

My biggest ***** is the plumber has to return sometime today between 12-4pm and I had lined up being able to use this dealers auction licence to hit a "dealers only" auction today.  Funds are dwindling.  Need to flip or part out a car or two and get back in the game before funds are to low to invest......

Offline bwd111

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Re: Wasted morning....
« Reply #9 on: August 16, 2012, 04:41:03 PM »
Just pick up some Mexicans at the Home Depot the morning of the auction so you have help cleaning out and moving a decent unit. No units won, no problem, just buy them lunch and through them a few bucks for their time, but atleast you don't have to pass up all the good units cause of your condition.
Thats a great idea. Buy some lunch off the dollar menu and call it good.  Great Idea

Wasted morning

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