Storage Auctions

"New" Storage Hunters show on TruTV (rehash of Forbidden Storage)

Offline MovieMan

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Here's the dope on the air time and description from the TruTV website:

"Storage Hunters

Tue, June 21 at 10pm

Former boxer Brandon Bernier and his wife Lori are the toughest, sharpest and most successful auction hunters in America. You won't believe what they find -- from the amazing to the extraordinary, from the dangerous to the downright weird! And all of it worth cold, hard cash. "


TruTV had a show called Forbidden Storage which was just TERRIBLE ! You can watch it on YouTube. Don't know if the June 21 RE-DO will be any better, but I'll watch it (if it gets to YouTube).

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Re: "New" Storage Hunters show on TruTV (rehash of Forbidden Storage)
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2011, 10:11:15 PM »
I wrote an article about it just hours after the story broke.

You have to admit though, the producers timed the premiere perfectly. Storage Wars and Auction Hunters are in between seasons. So, I imagine that it will attract a lot of viewers. I have to admit that I'll be watching, it beats reruns of snow mobiles and hovercrafts.

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Re: "New" Storage Hunters show on TruTV (rehash of Forbidden Storage)
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2011, 09:07:28 PM »
WOW!!!! That looks terrible!!!! I can't imagine that show lasting very long. I caught about 5 minutes of that other one that this is similar too. It looks so outrageously staged and not even close to believable or REAL. I just hope people soon get bored of these shows and they die off, except Storage Wars as I do enjoy that one, and crowds dwindle back down. Pretty much the only time I have luck lately is when I can find a place that doesn't advertise much or at all or there is another big one going on at the same time that takes all the newbies and people just there to watch and get in the way. I went to one recently and there were 14 signed in bidders, but there must have been over 50 people. A ton of people going and not even signing up. I don't have that big of an issue with that, but if you are not gonna bid, get the F out of the way. These people take forever looking at the unit and won't keep it moving and yet have no intention on bidding on it. WTF!!!

Re: "New" Storage Hunters show on TruTV (rehash of Forbidden Storage)
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2011, 10:05:53 PM »
Well, believable and truth do not sell on TV. Bull**** hype and spin do hence the unreal tru tv type crap. Same as storage wars and auction hunters even with disclaimers and at times a moment or two of truth they are there to sell advertising and numbers of viewers sell advertising and bull**** drama and "the get rich quick dream" draws viewers not the hard work it really takes that most of us know about.

Re: "New" Storage Hunters show on TruTV (rehash of Forbidden Storage)
« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2011, 11:22:09 PM »
Surprised no one has commented - I thought the show was pretty painful, didnt care for the buyers except for papa bear and the auctioneer, who I thought was pretty funny. The ones here are so dis-interested.

I thought the couple had a good idea on re-searching the names on the unit, but could be something only useful because the auctions were held in hollywood.

Offline Jedi

Re: "New" Storage Hunters show on TruTV (rehash of Forbidden Storage)
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2011, 09:48:03 AM »
The first episode just aired here last night.  It was the worst auction show I've ever seen.  The auctioneer was crass and annoying...If auctioneers at storage auctions around here acted like that, I don't think I'd be going to many.  (excuse me, 'your balls itch'?  that's how you get good feelings about a locker?  I do not need to hear that from my auctioneer.  The whole line of pocket pool comments, etc...I thought what's next? maybe he'll break out the old 'put your hands in the air and wave 'em like you just don't care' routine.)
It just had a whole 'Jerry Springer' feel to staged fights, and why was there so many guys with 'staff' shirts there??  (lending to the Jerry Springer feel I guess)

Comments on the units from the show:  The toy locker:  ok, that is my kind of locker...I used to rent a storage unit for my own toy collection, and that's the kind of unit I wish I'd find now.  However....the comic book rack with books just sitting on it like it was in a store???  no, I'm sorry, any collector worth his salt would never do that.  those metal racks just destroy comics...gravity bends them over and the wire causes creases all over your book.  They were standing up pretty straight to have been in storage long enough for the unit to be delinquint.

oh and the guns and roses record with the original cover art...seriously?  She does not know what she's talking about.  pretty common can go to Ebay at any given time and find them easily for $30-$50.

I hate to be harsh on a new show, but dang...   I'll stick with storage wars, at least that's entertaining. :D

Re: "New" Storage Hunters show on TruTV (rehash of Forbidden Storage)
« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2011, 10:08:03 PM »
Except for the auctioneer who thinks he is funny(Not)

The uninteresting people.

The slow pace.

The you made me waste my time by watching this.

It was great.

Re: "New" Storage Hunters show on TruTV (rehash of Forbidden Storage)
« Reply #8 on: June 25, 2011, 12:59:51 PM »
Whole show is scripted, trying to make a storage show like operation repo.  Plenty of hooping and hollerin' to get attentiion and of course fighting.  Worst storage show out there, hard to believe but the did worse than auction hunters.

Re: "New" Storage Hunters show on TruTV (rehash of Forbidden Storage)
« Reply #9 on: June 26, 2011, 01:35:19 AM »
You would think they could do better with with the scripts and the people.

Offline johnnyghonda

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Re: "New" Storage Hunters show on TruTV (rehash of Forbidden Storage)
« Reply #10 on: June 26, 2011, 08:33:35 AM »
Lol. Guess I feel stupid for crying all night cause I didn't set my dvd and missed the premiere. Oh well. Lol I HATE operation repo.

Re: "New" Storage Hunters show on TruTV (rehash of Forbidden Storage)
« Reply #11 on: June 26, 2011, 04:42:20 PM »
Don't know about the rest of the country but here in Ga. if two people got into a fight at an auction the auctioneers would ban them for life from any of their further auctions. This show is so bad and so scripted and so faked that it should e banned for life .....or lack there of...   jmho

Re: "New" Storage Hunters show on TruTV (rehash of Forbidden Storage)
« Reply #12 on: June 26, 2011, 07:07:12 PM »
If a storage unit really exploded they would not continue the auction.The unit isn't the only thing that bombed.

Re: "New" Storage Hunters show on TruTV (rehash of Forbidden Storage)
« Reply #13 on: June 29, 2011, 09:17:34 AM »
Watched two episodes last night. Terrible!!

So scripted its not even funny.

An auctioneer that travels not just in his area, but clear across country??

Guns cannot be kept or sold as far as I know...... but they were excited about them rifles.

How can you "research" who owns the locker?? Is that even legal?

Best for last: A BOMB just exploded so were going to continue the auction around the corner...... UMMM no the police, bomb squad, fire, and FBI, ATF and TONS of media would have been on that..... ROCKET launchers in the locker.... LMAO

Offline MovieMan

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Re: "New" Storage Hunters show on TruTV (rehash of Forbidden Storage)
« Reply #14 on: June 29, 2011, 09:24:52 AM »

Guns cannot be kept or sold as far as I know...... but they were excited about them rifles.

How can you "research" who owns the locker?? Is that even legal?

Some buyers who find guns in lkrs do keep them and some buyers do sell them.
Some buyers who find guns in lkrs turn them in to the authorities.  :o

To research a lkr owner (whose name is published in the LEGAL NOTICE) just do a google search for that name in that city..example, "John Q. Adaminski, Podunk, KS".  Not a guarantee that anything will come up, but sometimes does.

Once you have established a good relationship (over years perhaps) with a property manager, it's nothing to ask "What's the story on John Adaminski in lkr #C27?"  They may not tell you much, but anything helps in making a decision about bidding. AS FAR AS I KNOW these reseach suggestions are's not like you're tapping someone's phone or taking mail out of their mailbox. ;D

If by the slimmest of chances I have offended someone named John Adaminski (or any friend of his) please don't take it personally; I could have used Sheila Slimwaist or any other name !

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