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Are we going to be taxed by the mile?

Offline rulesforrebels

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Are we going to be taxed by the mile?
« on: May 10, 2011, 09:10:38 AM »

Well not trying to start a political discussion but this would affect us so figurd it was worth posting.

Well now they are floating a mileage tax to pay for roads and who knows what else.

So in addition to fuel taxes, tolls, and all the other fees that come along with owning a vehicle, DL, license plates, registration, city stickers, etc you now may also get to pay per mile.

How awesome will that be when your driving 100 plus miles per day making the auction circuits on a busy day.

Seems like they are pulling back on this idea and claiming they weren't serious about it now that there's some public backlash over it but you never know what will happen.

Btw, glad to see a new category up here, hopefully we get some good articles posted.

Re: Are we going to be taxed by the mile?
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2011, 06:40:58 PM »
I don't believe that tax by thr mile will ever get pased unless they hide it in another bill. I am glad they added this topic.  8)

Re: Are we going to be taxed by the mile?
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2011, 07:01:43 PM »
Not a CPA, but I use my vehicle for my landscaping business. I write off my gas and mileage. I would think the same would apply to anyone that is claiming their income from lockers. Just have to keep up with your receipts and keep a mileage log. Then it is a write-off regardless of the tax that would be applied. I actually write off ALL expenses w/my vehicle. I would think that if you keep your proof of attending an auction even if you don't buy they would count. Even if you live in New York and drive to Florida. As long as you attend an auction during that visit, theoretically it's a write-off. Again, not a CPA but it def. applies to my business.

Re: Are we going to be taxed by the mile?
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2011, 09:21:18 PM »
Not a CPA, but I use my vehicle for my landscaping business. I write off my gas and mileage. I would think the same would apply to anyone that is claiming their income from lockers. Just have to keep up with your receipts and keep a mileage log. Then it is a write-off regardless of the tax that would be applied. I actually write off ALL expenses w/my vehicle. I would think that if you keep your proof of attending an auction even if you don't buy they would count. Even if you live in New York and drive to Florida. As long as you attend an auction during that visit, theoretically it's a write-off. Again, not a CPA but it def. applies to my business.

Yes, it's a write off for your federal income tax, however these taxes and expenses are still costing you money. Spending $1 to save less than 35 cents does not help you!

Re: Are we going to be taxed by the mile?
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2011, 10:02:45 PM »
This is absolutely true. However, this is not a dollar spent, saved or earned. It is a tax. One which you will not pay (again not a CPA) if you are claiming your income from your lockers. (All of this assuming the prior knowledge that it will hit everyone.)

Upon further looking into this, this tax would only apply to electric cars and low fuel consumptions vehicles. Those that do not pay a fuel tax or as much of a fuel tax. And I am guessing most people hauling storage locker contents are not doing it in a leaf or smart car.  ;D

Do you think goods sold online should be taxed?

Started by Travis

6 Replies
Last post June 29, 2014, 03:34:17 PM
by rulesforrebels