Storage Auctions

Had a reporter at our auctions today

Had a reporter at our auctions today
« on: May 17, 2012, 03:18:46 PM »
Let me preface by saying this was day 2 of a 2 day caravan with 'Hollywood' (my nickname for him as he looks like a tv personality and is from California) as our auctioneer.

We finished at the first facility and Don & I were the first to arrive at the second.  Walked into the office to sign the (dreaded) green sheets and a young man (with a familiar face) was at the counter and started chatting about doing a spot on the local news about storage auction buying.  The facility manager looked a bit perturbed and said he'd have to get permission from folks to film them at which point I made it very clear I didn't want to be 'seen'.  I also told him I doubted many of the regulars would either (which was SOOOO the case when they arrived).

The regional manager basically told them they could film from the parking area but were not allowed to enter the facility.  I talked with the regulars and told them who I thought would grant the interview.   They were down to one unit and it was over rapidly.  As we left I saw one (relative) newbie talking on camera.  I chuckled and went on to the final facility where............
the interviewee showed up and I asked ' time we see you are we gonna laugh or kick your ***?'  He chuckled and said now he'd have to watch out for the IRS.  I've talked with him enough that he knew I was teasing him.

5 minutes pass and the camera is rolling again with my predicted couple beaming into the cameras.  Now the guy swears he handled the interview in a way that projected the business for what it is, but we'll see.  Let's just say that I remember a unit they bought that when they were pronounced the winners she jumped up and down giggling and clapping her hands. 

Went into the facility and saw a crap locker and as we exited the camera was on the door.  as I stepped out the camera man was quick to drop the lens.  Guess he heard me the first time~

I have no idea what to expect, but I'll be tuning in to see what all was said.  I just pray that nobody glamorized this business.  I did tell the reporter that if he really wanted to do a story, do one about the guy who loses his butt or about cleaning out a 'real' locker.  I said this business is far from the treasure hunting that takes place on television.......even if we do have 'Hollywood' as our auctioneer. 8)

Forgot to mention that the regional manager had received a call yesterday from KOLD13 about wanting to do a piece and he told them they just showed up~


I watched the noon news and nothing yet, so I'll let you know how it turns out.....hopefully there was no story and it winds up a no-show~

Re: Had a reporter at our auctions today
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2012, 03:43:16 PM »
Tell them you'll be on TV if they film you in a dark locker and garble your voice!!   ::) ::)

Forgot to mention that the regional manager had received a call yesterday from KOLD13 about wanting to do a piece and he told them they just showed up~

Funny, as a former radio deejay, I couldn't help but note the call letters of your TV station - it reminded me of the old Harry Chapin song.."I am the morning deejay at WOLD..D.D.D.D....."

Either that, or KOLD's "sister station" is WARM (east of the Mississippi, of course) ... :D :D

Re: Had a reporter at our auctions today
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2012, 08:33:42 PM »
Well....that was a lot of typing for naught~
We got bumped so I'll never know what those folks said in front of the camera.

Of course our old, crotchety regular telling the camera man that if his image is on tv he'd sue may have been the final straw~ ;)

so basically.....disregard previous message.

Re: Had a reporter at our auctions today
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2012, 08:05:20 AM »
Update~talked with one of the guys who was interviewed and asked why he was bumped.  He said it was going to air tomorrow (now today) at 9 on our local Fox station (seems the two channels are affiliated).

So I tuned in last night to see if I had the times/date right.  They ran a big promo about tomorrow's upcoming feature of storage auction buying~the new form of gambling............ugh................

I will update ya within 24 hours of what all was said.  No good can come of this I fear.

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Re: Had a reporter at our auctions today
« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2012, 08:33:59 AM »
Update~talked with one of the guys who was interviewed and asked why he was bumped.  He said it was going to air tomorrow (now today) at 9 on our local Fox station (seems the two channels are affiliated).

So I tuned in last night to see if I had the times/date right.  They ran a big promo about tomorrow's upcoming feature of storage auction buying~the new form of gambling............ugh................

I will update ya within 24 hours of what all was said.  No good can come of this I fear.

At least they said "the new form of gambling" instead of "The new way to get rich with little money or effort!"

Re: Had a reporter at our auctions today
« Reply #5 on: May 23, 2012, 08:39:56 AM »
Well that's what the promo said.....who knows what the attention-seeking newbies said......

Re: Had a reporter at our auctions today
« Reply #6 on: May 23, 2012, 12:08:11 PM »
We had this last month.  One of the local news stations showed up to film.  Laughed my tail off when they open the door and it is a 10x20 90% empty.  All of the regulars walked away.  I think it sold for $90 which was $80 over price.  Two hour wait before next auction since most people paid up on the caravan.  Once again 1 unit (inside) and I quickly avoided the unit and camera.

I was surprised the camera guy didn't get a fist in his face.  Inside the hall he kept putting the camera right in your face as your turn around from looking at the unit.  I just stood behind him as I know I'd of gotten upset if he had done that to me.

One of the local new regulars was interviewd.  I was heading out of town for a job interview so didn't see the news.  I need to go find the video.  My daughter said she found it and laughed.

I hate when the news shows up.  They cut and paste to make it all look good, simple, and easy.  Then we have to put up with another round of newbie's.

Re: Had a reporter at our auctions today
« Reply #7 on: May 23, 2012, 12:16:56 PM »
Well I found my local storage video.  All you can see is my truck (thank goodness).  The news story was ok - not too bad.  They did confess that they started doing this due to the shows and then flashed a bunch of cash.

Re: Had a reporter at our auctions today
« Reply #8 on: May 23, 2012, 11:51:49 PM »
Well cripes.....there goes the neighborhood.
It was actually pretty well done, but.......
If I ever run into Som in a dark alley, I'm gonna kick him in the knee!!  His final line ticked me off....especially with his sleazy grin~


I don't know where the auctions were that showed the inside of a facility, as they were not allowed anywhere but the parking lot for our auctions.  Did see Don in the crowd (6' 4" stands out) but I didn't see hide nor hair of myself.  I think I scared the camera man when I stated "I DO NOT WANT TO BE ON TV!!!"~ 8)

edit to say that I just finished watching it again and they didn't put the final lines in the replay as in the live 'report'.  He had ended it by saying
"The regulars aren't going to like me doing this but there is a link to help you find storage auctions in the Tucson area"

grrrrrrr~ >:(

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