While I feel that there needs to be some guidelines on how a storage unit auction is advertised, I do feel that forcing storage facilities to take out an ad in the newspaper is unjust.
"Officials at The Maryland-Delaware-D.C. Press Association (MDDC), which advocates for free and open press, said the definition is too broad, and removing the requirement for print advertising eliminates a back-up method for notifying defaulted tenants."
I find this statement a bit outlandish, simply for the fact that most people do not read the newspaper everyday to see if their storage unit is going up for auction. However, I do agree with the following statement:
“Self storage companies basically could post something on social media or send out an email to five of their friends and, so long as at least three of them show up, that would be considered reasonable advertising,” said MDDC Executive Director Rebecca Snyder. “We want to see more transparency in these auctions.”
With all of that in mind, I wonder if just setting up one national website to advertise all lien law auctions would be a good idea? It would drive some storage auction websites out of business, but it would be a nice standardization in the industry. Plus, it would be more convenient for storage auction buyers, as well as tenants.
Anyone feel the same? Or do you like having a little bit of advantage over the people that do not read the newspapers or subscribe to online lists?