Storage Auctions

Nothing like having to move your store twice over a holiday weekend!

So on 4th of July (Thursday) we moved our store out of the POD flea market into a nice retail space inside a big building in downtown Cary. Took us about 4 hours to move everything out of the PODs and into the store, not a bad move. Spent the rest of the day Friday setting up, part of Saturday was also dedicated to setup because we were anticipating opening on Monday. Saturday late morning the building owner arrives and starts setting up his business for the day. Around 11:30, he calls my wife and I into his little makeshift office...

Apparently, the other tenants are unhappy with our presence. We have 3 boys and they can be a bit noisy.. They're kids! That was one tenant's complaint. Another tenant complained about our "yard sale" stuff and the customers we'd bring in.. in other words "Mexicans and blacks". Notice the quotes.. not my words, his.. Yes, apparently some of us are still stuck in the 50's.

So, we were asked to leave, he'll absolve the lease and pay me back my security deposit which he had already cashed. The owner apparently has no backbone either..

We spend the rest of the day Saturday packing up, make about $200 while packing up just off their walk in traffic coming over and seeing what we were up to. We spoke to 6 people and they were all excited about our store being there. I explained that we were actually packing up to leave because we weren't welcome. The other shops didn't make a sale from these people. 

After our last sale, the owner comes over to our space to ask when we'd be leaving and commented about the sales we had made. To which I had said, "Yeah, you ever have that feeling like you had just made a huge mistake? You should be feeling that now." He chuckled and reiterated that this wasn't his decision.. But the building has his name on it.. So I just left it at that.

Sunday, we meet with another building owner. He has an old strip mall, built in the 60's. Got a space for $700 including TICAM. We moved our stuff into the space, considerably smaller 650 sq. ft. but it'll work. Signed the lease yesterday. Had to commit to a 3 year lease but we are free to move within the strip mall as need and if space is available.

It was a hellish weekend, and we'll end up putting out more money than originally planned with insurance, utilities, etc. But at least we're in a space where we're welcomed!

Offline Alias300

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Re: Nothing like having to move your store twice over a holiday weekend!
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2013, 11:03:36 AM »
I think I'd of asked for expense's too.   You want me gone?  Pay me.   

Re: Nothing like having to move your store twice over a holiday weekend!
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2013, 09:47:06 PM »
I thought about it, but I didn't want him to hold my security deposit ransom. I collected my security today and it was for the full amount, not prorated for the 3 days "rent" for having my stuff in his space.

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Re: Nothing like having to move your store twice over a holiday weekend!
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2013, 11:16:18 PM »
You signed a lease before you moved your stuff into the building correct?

I would have refused to go and slapped him with a lawsuit if he gave me any trouble.

Re: Nothing like having to move your store twice over a holiday weekend!
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2013, 06:22:28 PM »
I did sign a lease.. But to be honest, I was getting a sinking feeling as we were setting up.. Like this was a bad idea.. The neighboring traffic was poor, not many people walk by the building, and construction on either side of the main strip would have made it a tough month. Now we're in a plaza with 2 restaurants and a popular martial arts studio right next door.. I'm seeing moms and dads browsing my shelves while waiting for their kids lesson to end.

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Re: Nothing like having to move your store twice over a holiday weekend!
« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2013, 10:07:04 AM »
Trust your gut!

Offline Alias300

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Re: Nothing like having to move your store twice over a holiday weekend!
« Reply #6 on: July 15, 2013, 01:29:39 PM »
I think it was a wise move.

Little sketchy sounding.   Why was building so empty of retail in first place.
Maybe owner should do some TI and turn it into office space.

Re: Nothing like having to move your store twice over a holiday weekend!
« Reply #7 on: July 15, 2013, 01:50:17 PM »
I agree, we did make some sales off the traffic the other businesses had coming in, but it wasn't our targeted demographic. So, I think we could have been successful, but not AS successful as we could potentially be where we are now.

Just to give you an idea, where I am now is in eye shot of a weekend churh, they rent a space in the preschool, the preschool, Apex Latino Affairs office, a bill pay center/Cricket dealer, insurance agency, and I have a Mexican restaurant just up the road as well as 2 taco trucks in neighboring plazas, also a Galaxy Foods near the Mexican restaurant. A wide variety of folks who are typical thrift store shoppers.

Offline Travis

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Re: Nothing like having to move your store twice over a holiday weekend!
« Reply #8 on: July 15, 2013, 02:40:14 PM »
You know you hit it big time when the taco trucks show up to get a piece of the action.

Re: Nothing like having to move your store twice over a holiday weekend!
« Reply #9 on: July 15, 2013, 11:13:05 PM »
They're taco trucks that are as authentic as authentic can get too! You will not find English written on the menu, you will not see Pepsi, or Coke, you get Jarritos, that's it! These are my people. They supported me at the flea market. I know they'll do the same at the storefront!

Offline Travis

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Re: Nothing like having to move your store twice over a holiday weekend!
« Reply #10 on: July 17, 2013, 06:05:30 PM »
They're taco trucks that are as authentic as authentic can get too! You will not find English written on the menu, you will not see Pepsi, or Coke, you get Jarritos, that's it! These are my people. They supported me at the flea market. I know they'll do the same at the storefront!

I wish I could get some taco trucks to follow me, I'd be their best customer.  ;D Hell, they could just park in my driveway.

Re: Nothing like having to move your store twice over a holiday weekend!
« Reply #11 on: July 18, 2013, 02:14:26 PM »
I'm on a high protein diet.. You should the look I get when I ask for tacos with no shell.

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